Sunday, 19 January 2025



This is the year of Completeness and as we learned on December 31st as we were crossing over to the new year 2025, Completeness is God's plan and purpose this year. In every area of our lives.
And most importantly on God's timeline.
I told you that I was going to share some important things with you and maybe in coded messages. But you will understand.
The Lord is coming soon, remember!

I want to explain a couple of things to you from God's word with respect to the message of the year and God's expectations.

One of the very important statements that we made by the holy ghost on the 31st was that this year 2025, we will fully preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations. We will do it. Make no mistakes about it.
The Lord has already guided us and shown us how to go about it and God's people are ready.
The year has taken off already and we are more than prepared to get this on..
In today's service I want you to think of the fact that God has positioned you in this day and time for the fulfilment of his vision.
When we have a plan like I just laid out with respect to the preaching of the have to look at it from your perspective and your particular responsibility.
What are YOU going to do about it?
That's why our positioning, thinking and mentality is important.
We can't look at it with the idea that "oh there are so many churches and ministries around the world...hope they are going to do something".
No! What are we going to do as a ministry?
Thats what I want  you to consider.
If God left it up to us, would we do it? Can we be trusted to get it done?
I think YES and that's why we are the ones with the message

We have to think that we are the only ones doing it.
Of course we will work with other saints around the world but we have to provide leadership. Here, our Loveworld exceptional ism comes to play.
Our exceptional ism which results in perfectionism and expansionism.
The idea that we are called to be different .
The idea that we have a perculiar responsibility, calling and ministry.
It wasn't our choice. It wasn't something that we made up. It was God's choice.
And when God makes a choice, our responsibility is to recognize it and walk in consonance with it.
In walking in the light of the year 2025 the year of completeness, we must have in our consciousness ,our exceptional ism which results in expansionism and perfectionism.

There are three factors that are required for us as a ministry and every pastor and every leader must bear this in mind. ..

1. We must act as though it depended only on us.

There is a fire in your spirit that nothing can quench if you think like this. Paul said "woe is me if I preach not the gospel. Necessity is laid on me". He understood this and was going to take the message around the world.  In the consciousness of the responsibility we have to pray like that. In your church think like that. If it rested on you, what are you going to do? If your church was the only church in that state, what are you going to do? Are you going to be crawling ? Or work as though so much is required? Your evangelical program... Your work in ministry; ministry to your environment, to your state...will you do more? The number of Rhapsody you do every month, if your church were the only church in the city, is that what you would do? What else would you do?  Well, that's what you'd better be doing now
This is 2025. Don't wait too long. Make the decisions you need to make. Act quickly! Or else the first quarter will be gone...then the rest of the year...
Then you will ask "what did I do with my life?"
Don't let it happen to you.
Where are your priorities? Set your priorities right. Remember, so much is fighting for your attention but you must prioritize with the kingdom in front of you.

2. We must act as though we believe it's possible.

You cannot engage in any project or work no matter how you believe in it's authenticity or believe it's from God, if you don't believe it's possible, it's not going to happen.
This year, 2025, you have to believe we are going to reach the world.
If you don't believe it's possible, you're not going to do the things required of you because you will feel its a failed project or a waste of time and resources.
.for your information, throughout history, there is no other time where it became possible to reach the world.
Today's technology and workforce that God has given all over the world, we are ready to go everywhere. There is no restriction or limit. And we are prepared to mobilize and deploy all that's necessary.
Believe it's possible

2 blind men came to Jesus and cried "have mercy on us". He didn't reply them...Until they followed him to his house. He said to these blind men "Do you believe I'm able to do this?"
They said "Yes Lord".
Then he touched their eyes and their eyes were restored.
You have to believe.

A man brought his son to Jesus. He said the disciples could not cast the devil out of his son. The man asked if Jesus could have compassion on the boy. Jesus told him "if you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes".
The man wanted the responsibility to fall on Jesus but Jesus let him know that it was his responsibility to believe.
You have to believe.

Act like you believe
Talk like you believe
Think like you believe.

God's word helps you think. The word of God gives you mat

erial for thinking
Remenber, be not confirmed to this world but be transformed.
Replace thoughts of unbelief with faith but faith only comes from God's word.
Think, talk and act like you believe it's possible.

The children of Israel were sent by God to bring down the walls of Jericho.
God gave them the strategy to walk around the walls of Jericho everyday.
The walls were so big and high...that some houses were built on them. These were massive walls raised for defence.
God said "You will bring down the walls of Jericho". They didn't have any equipment to do this.
It's important what the strategy is at the time.

God said "Go round Jericho once everything..
Don't say anything"
He didn't want anyone expressing doubt.
On the seventh day, they were to go round the city seven times. The priests would blow the trumpet... Then they would Shout and the walls will fall down.
And it happened.

If you are wrestling with believing about something that God says will happen for you. Shut up. Be quiet.
Have a fast
Fast and pray studying the word. It will help you speed up the process of developing your faith for that situation.
Remember this week, we are going to be fasting specially.

I love something that God told us to do. He said every month we should fast. That's a strategy. It's not just a beautiful idea. The Lord instructed that I should tell you.
We will take certain number of days every month to do this.

3. We must act as though we have the power to Effect it.

If you believe it's possible, you have to act.
He has given us the necessary tools to accomplish the purpose.
Act as though we can do it, and we can and we will.


Following our expectations and responsibility..
We are going to create the necessary structures and review our current structure to effect some changes.

Luke 12:16-21
When Jesus spoke in Parables, sometimes he used specific situations. 
This scripture was speaking of someone who actually lived. 
There are people who are not rich towards God. They are rich for themselves but have done nothing towards the kingdom of God.
Don't be surprised that those who give towards the kingdom of God may not be people who give a lot..
They may be so rich, build storehouses and expand their storage as their wealth grows. 
Ask 2025, are you going to be rich towards God?

Philippians 2:25-30NIV
V29 "Honor men like him..."
There are some who exceed others to make up for what others could not do. Such men deserve to be honored. 

1 Corinthians 16:17-18 ESV
"Give recognition to such people".
We recognize those who put in much effort to make up for what many of us might have not done.


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...