Monday 9 October 2023


Opening Prayer by Esteemed Pastor Deola Philips

Documentary on Jabbed and Altered - The Vaccine Revelation

Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

The documentary you just watched shows the heartlessness of men.

I have warned you that they haven't given up, they failed, they didn't repent, they dirt change their mind or agenda. The problem is the organization and the individual perpetrators still occupy these positions they did back then.

You have the WHO, same person and the related officials, same agenda.. WE'F, same Leader same club, and if you listen to those newscasters who they used as their foot soldiers to help tell lies. If you don't agree with their narrative, they're so bold to calm you stupid and foolish, they can be so insultive because that's how they are, but they're living on deception, they don't have the power to believe they are.

They're where they are through several factors, the world isn't theirs as they think, so they haven't changed, the agenda is the same, they still want you vaccinated.

I told you before it's got nothing to do with health, they want you vaccinated because they want to introduce something into your body, a software, and with that software you become like a computer that they can control.

But the day will come when they will be able through vaccinations to introduce into the human body control measures, as far as they're concerned that day has come and that's why there are desperate.

They want you vaccinated not for your health; they use the health factor to scare you.
 I like to remind you that they have spent many years working on this, these men and women are the grand children of th original perpetrators and several of their organization remain with the same names today as they did back them, same vision and pursuit.

That's why in spite of the fact that there are no pandemic, the past ones of course which they created, they're coming back in several cities to reintroduce mask mandate, knowing fully well that the mask don't work.

The reason for mask is their only physical way of knowing who is on their side and who has been captured, it's a mark of subjugation, it tells them how much they have captured, it got nothing to do with science.

They're scared and afraid and that's why they insist on staying in power in whatever way they can, to rig elections, to fight to remain in office, to remain in political power or behind political power as the deep state... They're fighting for their lives because they know they have done so much evil.

There are not vaccines, they were called vaccines for legal reasons, they're softwares introduced through these nano particles into your body.

Many more will die depending on how many they took. The vaccinated have become endangered species throughout the world, this is one major reason we have to pray for our world because there is so much wickedness in the world.

A lot of people just by their sense deserve to be deceived, but you look at it from another part and Jesus died for the salvation of sinners so it becomes important for us to intercede for the deceived, for the foolish, unwise, ignorant, we have to pray for them. And because they failed the last time, these perpetrators, they believe that one of the major reasons they fail was because people were told the truth (freedom of information), and that has not become their number one enemy today.

They're angry that people can communicate freely and share their thoughts online on social media and anyway they choose. So they're crafting laws to forbid you from having the ability to communicate freely and speak your mind just so they can be the only ones talking and all of us must accept what they say and if we don't accept, then it becomes a crime for us to tell others the truth.

Why are they so afraid of the rest of us talking because they have no proof of their claims, and those in the UK you need to wake up: why you were half asleep they passed a bill through their parliament, through several readings and it's gone past its final reading, what they call ONLINE AFTER BILL.

 They cover it with so much of protecting kids, read the details, don't be fooled, it's about frustrating your ability to speak your mind and tell others the truth.

It's a terrible bill, don't be carried away by the arguments and modifications, that's the way the left normally lead the baits into. Don't be carried away by the non-esserntials, read the details and you need to do something about it because they want to make sure that the next time they make false claims, you're unable to stand up against them.

Remember what they want to do is create an Antichrist world. Any knowledgeable Christian should realize that this isn't about a health issue or a political side, it's about living your life in God's plan or living in a satan created world before his time. So, it's a decision you got to make.

Make no mistakes about it, if you make the wrong decision, there are some of us who will not accept your decision because there are many of us who have decided we will not live in their world, they will live in our world.

Isaiah 32:1 TLB

When you read about the Millennial kingdom, you understand the prophetic revelation about the Millennial kingdom, you see a revaluation of the blessings of the church and what the church could make happen in the world.

It is very important because without that guide, you cannot know what the Christian life should be and what results the Christian will have in his world.

God provided us with abundant revelation on the Millennial kingdom, the church has 2000 years from start to conclusion and Israel has 1000 years to live in His presence, that's the third day of Hosea prophecy.

The church also has a babyhood stage and had to grow, they didn't know everything at the beginning of the 2000 years, we are just coming to maturity

1Timothy 2:1-2

If we pray as we should pray, we can have what He says in the scripture above.

Isaiah 32:1- 8 TLB

In the days of the church, the ungodly, the atheist will not be heroes.

God knows everybody, you'll find everyone listed in the bible, if you look inside, you'll find your place
Prayer Session

Remember Prayer is God's idea not man's idea, God asked us to pray because He intended to answer. There are things that will not happen unless men pray and when you understand that in the scripture you understand why we have to pray. God knows everything but He is also a God of principle, He asked us to pray we should.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...