Monday 9 October 2023


Opening Prayer by Esteemed Pastor Kudehinbu

Documentary on The Sinister Agenda of the World Death Organization

Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSc DSc DD

The video you just watched show the heartlessness of the psychopath.

They already tried, they always failed, this is not the time they will be success in their attempt, we won't be quiet and silent, we will call them out with all boldness.

The other trick they have on their sleeves is there are aliens for which we must be given a digital ID through vaccinations so they can distinguish between humans and the aliens.

Matthew 28:12-15 (NIV)

The media of the day circulated the story to send out disinformation. It takes some state power to make disinformation effective and they haven't change, they are still doing it.
Esther 3:1-15 (NIV)
Esther 4:1- 14
Remember what happened in Rwanda, Yugoslavia, so these are not so far away.
It is good to have someone who tell you the truth abouta situation, not someone who accepts your apologies and excuses.
 Esther 4:15
This was the defining moment for the Jews when a young lady Esther made the decision.
You have to come to a point of decision in your life, there are just somethings you should learn not to accept. If you read the rest of the story, she won for her people because she made this decision, she said you all fast and pray for three days.

You cannot truly serve God without coming to such decision on your life, it's not this way and that way.

 John 5:44

If you seek the honor of men, you cannot truly believe in God, you can't truly accept his instructions, you can't truly accept his guidance and you can't truly live for Him. 

You have to come to that point in your life where you're decided it's God's honour alone that counts, that's when you really start discovering the best things of Christ: when you have made that decision of the Lordship of Jesus in your life and then you live beyond yourself like Mordecai instructed Esther.

You have to live beyond yourself, think of a life that's greater than yourself.

Hebrews 2:14-15

Fear of death put men in bondage, Jesus came to deliver those who were in this bondage.

As a Christian, you must never be afraid of death, you live in this world for a purpose, there is a definite purpose for living in this world and it is to bring glory to God. And if by death you're to bring glory to God, don't run away, don't fear, face it squarely, otherwise you cannot truly live the Christian life.

To live the Christian life, you say if I live, it is for His glory, if I am to die it is for His glory, don't die the death of a coward.

You have to be bold in your soul and spirit, understand that there is a greater glory in glorifying God in life or death, in other words whatever glory you ever thought about before cannot be compared to the glory that you get in putting all of whatever you have or are on the line for His glory. Live a life of divine honour, be a good soldier, live beyond yourself.

If in your city or county, they are coming up with those foolish stupid laws and restrictions, think like Mordecai and Esther, think differently, fast and pray and take actions, that's what you do.

 Video playout

Proverbs 29:2 KJV

Proverbs 29;7-8 (TLB)

All the fights America has been involved in they are always the aggressors, including the one they say they were fighting for 9/11, they spernt billions of dollars on this unprovoked war and one of the senators said this is the best expenditure America has ever made.

The world finds Itself in such situations because of individuals and the bad decisions that they make and this is one reason why prayer becomes necessary. Like I said to you yesterday, there are things that would happen except we pray.

So, in your country, you need to be alert, being prayerful keeps our spirit in such a situation that we can easily receive the kind of information that we should receive. We can easily get to know the things we should know, not to be prayerful means the dullness of the Spirit, even if you heard you will not be able to interpret, you won't have the understanding that God wants you to have because of the dullness of the human spirit, unable to receive important information, unable to interpret information received.

When you're prayerful, your spirit becomes sensitive and wise and can easily interpret spiritual information, so you're not taken by surprise.

Even as that when you get to know that something bad has happened, don't just walk away like whatever will be will be, no, it's not intended to keep you happy or peaceful because it won't. It's rubbing you of your liberty and peace, that's why He told us to pray so we can lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness.

So, when we pray like that, the spiritual atmosphere is saturated with spiritual power and angels move into the situation, so we through prayer give the heavens the right to act in our behalf.

Had the Jews not prayed, they would have been annihilated by Ham and, but because they prayed things changed.

When we start praying now, remember your country specifically and for those Nations where they are already manifesting the state capture.

If you're supposed to fast about something and you don't fast and you want to do it without fasting, then you're going to apply more force because that means the bluntness of the spirit, it means it's not sharp.

Something that should have taken one day would take one week, one month, why because the spirit isn't sensitive and sharp, so no precision.

When the guidance of the spirit is to fast, you have to fast correctly because if you don't fast correctly, you won't get the results.

If it is the kind that you know you want the results to come now, then you must give it the kind of attention it deserves.

So, when you're fasting like that, your spirit has to be on it, you can't stay off it for hours it won't work. Your spirit must be incubating on the matter as you want it, you're praying, declaring words.

When you incubate very well, it's about changing: your life must go from one level of glory to another, from one level of honour to another and these are spiritual principles and ways to make those things happen.

If you're not satisfied with the standard of your life, don't just keep going and hoping that things will change... No, you have to make the change and the beautiful thing is you can.

Praying and fasting is one big way to make it happen, if you pray like I just told you, you'll find out that the spirit of God starts ministering to you, giving you words, ideas, guidance, instructions in a way that you couldn't have planned yourself.

Do what you're supposed to do, leave the rest to him, don't try to solve His own part, solve your own part.

You do the praying and fasting, believing, leave the answers to Him. How He will communicate with you is His business, how He will orchestrate the circumstances is His business... But remember He is God and can do anything.

Our liberty isn't for sale.

When you pray for your country, that's the only way everything is going to be alright.
By Christ Jesus, everything will be alright.

 Prayer Session

When we were praying a moment ago, we got Great Great Victories, Tremendous Victories. In a short while from now, you'll see what happens.

 If prayer was only just fellowshipping with God, it's worth it.
 If prayer was just to say thank you to God, it's worth it.
 If prayer were only the honour of talking with Him, it's worth it... But He not only called for all of that, He even gave us the authority to ask and make demands, that's amazing

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...