Friday 8 March 2024


Opening Prayer by Esteemed Rev Tom Amekhienan



I want to welcome you to today's program, and I hope that you were able to participate in the prayer session. 

We are still on the book of Revelation and in phase 1 we actually got to chapter 11.
Yesterday, I wanted to pick out a few things for you from the portion we have dealt with before we go into chapter 12.

I want to move to read a few things in Chapter 7

Revelation 7:1-3

Remember we have seen in chapter 6, the sixth seal. 
 Vs 3
This is a special class of people the angels want to seal, all of us who are  born again have been sealed by the Holy Ghost. 

Vs 4-8
He is not saying from each tribe but a combination of all the tribes, 144000 were going to be sealed. 
The details are very vital in the book of Revelation. 
If you have gone through the listing of the children of Israel, you'd observe that often times when the list is given, Levi is often not included and two tribes come out of one  - Manasseh and Ephraim. 

If you were to add Levi, they would be 13. Because one tribe has two. 
Just in case you haven't understood that before, Let me take you to Genesis 48:17

Gen 48:17-22
Here, Jacob has relocated to Egypt. 
Joseph had two boys. The older was Manasseh and the younger was Ephraim..
But when he brought the sons to his Father, the Father put his right hand on the younger one and the left hand on the Older.
Jacob gave Joseph one portion above his brethren. What does that mean?

Just for the records...
There is no such thing as double portion of the anointing. They get it from the conversation between Elisha and Elijah. 
Elisha asked that a double portion of Elijah's spirit rest on him.

Jacob told Joseph he had given him a double portion of Inheritance.

What is the meaning of a portion? It means a Fraction or a part. It is that part that is assigned. So a double portion of the anointing that was said to be on Elijah would mean two parts of all that you have...not twice as much. Portion is not double of the whole. 

This comes from a law in Israel that says of a man has a lot of children and he divided his inheritance to the children, he should give a double portion to the eldest. That's just twice of everybody else's who got the inheritance. . That's a sign of the one who takes the family name, who is the head of the family. 

God assigned the rulership to Judah; He assigned Priesthood to Levi; and the eldest was Reuben who should have had the double portion but Reuben messed up, so he said "Unstable as water, you shall not excel".
So Reuben lost the double portion to Joseph.
So don't also for double portion of the anointing, it doesn't make sense. 

Elisha was asking that he wanted to be the next pointman/the head of the prophets. He wanted Elijah's leadership mantle as it were to come on him. Because there were other prophets watching. Elisha saw Elijah go off with the Chariots of fire...but all of the other prophets did not see it. 

Revelation 7:8
In the listing of the tribes in the book of Revelation, one tribe is named differently while another is missing. 
The tribe of Dan is not there. 
We have Joseph there. Ephraim represents Joseph because he took the family name, he was set above Manasseh. 

(Ezekiel 48:30-35
Ephraim represents the northern kingdom of Israel)

Revelation 7:9-17
It isn't only the 144,000 that get raptured. This shows a great multitude of ministers from all nations. The 144,000 were preachers and they were all male. 

Revelation 8:1-
When the 7th seal was opened, 7 trumpeters were revealed. 
When there trumpets began to sound, terrible Judgements poured upon the earth. 

The 6th seal was a revelation that the day of his wrath had come. 
When you read this, don't think of something just happening in an hour, it's a process. 
These things happen in the second half of the seven year period.

V7: one third of all trees and all green grass was burnt up. 
 V9-: A third part of sea creatures died. A third of all ships destroyed. 
V10:  Waters became bitter causing many men to die
V12: A third of the sun, moon and stars darkened.

Revelation 9:
V1-5: Locusts that eat people for 5 months in torment. 
V6: People will desire to die but death will flee from them. Even death will run away. 
This time, it is not some Satanic activity that is going on. It is God. It's the day of God's wrath.
V7-9. These are serious locusts. Special locusts.
V11: Their King is Abaddon. 
V12: All of the earlier verses about locusts were just One woe

V13-16: The army was 200 million men. To wipe out another third of men
V17-21: the remaining that didn't die didn't repent.
(Revelation 16:10-12:. Inspite of the tough Judgements against them, there was no repentance. 
V12: The Kings of the East are the ones with the two hundred million soldiers. 

(Revelation 9:14-16 . Four fallen angels bound in the River Euphrates were released to lead men into war which would destroy one third of the worlds population. This is preparation for Armageddon. 

Revelation 16:12 
The Kings of the East represent China. Does China have two hundred million soldiers? 
That's not the first place that God talked about China.
Isaiah 49:12 AMP. 
A few translations think it's a place in Southern Egypt. Their reason is that some Jews were encamped in that place for a long time. But it's wrong. It's Sinim (China). 
Sino is China..

Rev 16:12- 
He heard the number
In May 21, 1965 Times Magazine wrote something.  (Article). China leaked out that they had 200million militia
How did John know about this number?

When you read the book of Revelation, there are lots of encouraging and comforting things, but there are also many troubling things that you have to think of people who haven't known the Lord. 
There is no other hope outside of Jesus.
There is no way outside of Jesus.
They may scoff at you today, laugh and make's because they don't know what's coming.

Jesus warned that this will happen suddenly..but He gave us indications; how to know when it's close; signs
It's going to happen suddenly. It's close
Revelation 12:1
"Wonder" means "Sign". Signs and wonders are interchangeably used in the Greek words translated. 

John was shown a sign. Which means the interpretation has to be understood that the things you are going to see are not literal.

This sign because of what it is means that it's got an interpretation. 
V3: There are 2 signs now. The heads of the dragon are crowned

Revelation 13:1. 
The beast has crowns upon his ten horns, not on his head. 
This is a human beast here because he came out of the sea.

Revelation 11:7- 
There was no introduction of this personality right from chapter one up to this place. He just introduced to us the Beast that comes out of the bottomless pit. 
You think it was Abaddon...but Abaddon if the ANGEL of the bottomless pit and king over the locusts. 
He is not called a beast. 

So who is this Beast? He is identified in Chapter 17:7

(Rev 17:7-8... He is describing the beast in chapter 11.
V10: Those 7 mountains are actually Kingdoms. 5 are fallen. One is (Rome), the other is not yet come)
Why is it that the Dragons 7 heads had crowns? Because he was behind the 7 kingdoms.
The Antichrist comes with an earth Kingdom. He is on the 7, but comes up with an 8th. 
It is the horns that are crowned with the antichrist, not the heads. 

Revelation 12:4
Here is where the idea came about the possible number of Angels that fell with Lucifer. 
This is because of the use of the term "stars of heaven".  Angels are sometimes refered to as stars.. including Satan himself. 
(Isaiah 14:12-13). Lucifer was called the morning Star or Sun of the morning. 

When Jesus appeared to John, He saw him with 7 stars which were the Angels of the seven churches
So stars refer to personalities (not planetary bodies).

Revelation 12:4
Remember the sun clothed woman who was heavy with child? 
She wants to deliver and the dragon is ready to devour her child as soon as he is born.

V5; Remember He is telling us of a Sign that he saw. He saw something symbolic. It represents something. 
The Man child was to rule all nations with a rod of Iron.

Who is the woman? Who is the Child?
The sun-clothed woman is Israel. It also represents a place. 
The Man Child is Christ. 
When you say "Christ", you mean "Christ and those in Christ". They were caught up to God
And they will rule all nations with a rod of iron

First, Jesus, after his resurrection, went to God. The church at the sound of the trumpet, will be raptured and go up to God

In the process of time, Christ will come back with his church and rule all nations with the rod of iron.

Revelation 12:6
Revelation 12 opens the 3 and halo years with respect to Israel which means at this time what Jesus talked about has taken place. 

Matthew 24:15-16, Isaiah 16:1-5, Psalm 60:6-12
He is going into Edom for protection because it is a time of trouble. 

Daniel 11:36, 41
Those three will escape because God is preparing them to be a place of refuge for Israel in the last days
Revelation 12:6-7
Verse 6 is being expantiated from verse 7-14. 

We are in the most exciting part of the church age. 
Why do I say this? Because this is the part of it that leads to the coming of the Lord. There's no doubt in my mind that this is the last generation. 
Of course many times before now had said this...but they never gave a proper bible chronological detail of God's actions and timelines in prophecy. If you did that, there is no way you would have arrived at years before now. 
When God gave Noah a warning that he would destroy the world he told him to prepare an ark of salvation; Noah was 500 years old. When did Noah complete it and enter into the ark, when he was 600 years old. It took him 100 years for getting the ark ready. 
All that period he was preaching to them and they will not believe. 
But the same day that Noah entered into the ark, God shut the door of the ark
The rains and floods came and destroyed them all; not one escaped except Noah and his family. 

Jesus said "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man...". 
He also showed us that a generation is a 100 years, because He called 400 years 4 generation. 

There is a difference between Man's days and Man's generation. 
Man's days were reduced to 120... That's not what a generation means. 
It's got nothing to do with each person's length of life.
He was specific about a generation, you have to use what He said.
Any other figure would be a speculation. 

There is so much for us to talk about, so more to share. 
These things help us to prepare ourselves. 
It's Eschatology for Ethics and Inspiration.

Healing Streams - March 15th - March 17th


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...