Thursday 14 March 2024


Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Yemisi 
A few years ago, a company known as Monsanto company, they produced what they called a weed killer with a chemical branded Round Up (glyphosate was the active agent).  
They became one of the biggest companies in the US, but their products were responsible for cancer in a lot of the users; and they denied it.  
Prof Seralini did a research on them.  
The nice sweet corn that a lot of people eat laced with glyphosate, many people don't know, carcinogenic.  
Because there was a lot of money involved in it, a lot of people in the industry rose up against the research done by Professor Seralini and they fought as much as they could.  
(Do a research on the Monsanto papers)  
Just so you understand some of the things you're eating, a lot of the cereals, especially in countries where they don't carry out any serious work to ensure what they're importing into their country is okay and so you'd find out that there is a lot more cancer today than ever before, and a lot of it is coming from food and hair products.  
It is not all because of money, there is a more satanic agenda; it's about eugenics and population control, there is money in it but it's far more than money, that's what makes it more dangerous to Nations in Africa and Asia because they are very populous.  
They can use their hair products to eliminate the people over a few years, and use all this nice food: the GMO seed you're getting, don't take them.  
They are replacing your organic corns and that is why they are destroying your farms so you don't have organic corns and you're left with the sweet corns but a lot of it is laced with carcinogenic substances.  
(Go and find out about the Monsanto papers.)  
Revelation 12:1- 
The word translated 'wonder' here means 'sign'  
Genesis 37:9- 
Jacob understood the significance of Joseph's dream.  
Being under the moon doesn't mean he was higher than his mother, no, it means he was being carried because the moon isn't static, it was carrying him and that's the work of a mother.  
Racheal was prophetically referred to as the mother of Israel.  
Vs 2-4 
Exodus 4:4, Deuteronomy 28:13 
The tail signifies defeat 
Isaiah 9:15 
Revelation 12:4-6 
His defeat caused a third part of the heaven to be cast into the earth.  
Vs 7- 12 
Everything we have read in vs 1-6 is interpreted here.  
When you read in John 15:5 
He is saying…" if you stay with me" 
Romans 8:9 
Dwell (oikeó) means to permanently reside, it's a residence.  
1 Corinthians 3:16 
He permanently resides in you, it's a formal declaration.  
Vs 12-15 
This is telling you the persecution of Israel that will come in those last 3 and half years of Daniel's 70th week. 

What we just read in the 14th verse is quite interesting; there is a scripture some bible scholars try to relate with this but it isn't related.  
Isaiah 26:19-20 
Here is a mystery and that's why they didn't get it, because the prophets didn't get it.  
Remember all the righteous people who live before Jesus Christ, when Jesus resurrected, the bible says they came out of their graves and appeared to people in the Holy city and when Jesus ascended, He took them with Him to Heaven.  
The only ones who are in a different state at the moment are those whose souls are in Heaven but haven't resurrected.  
1 Corinthians 15:51-52. 
Vs 14-17 
Something happens here that is very important, only Israel is dealt with in the bible as having a remnant, the church never has a remnant.  
Galatians 4:22-25 
Though you have two women, they're both dealing with two different things about the same city (Jerusalem).  
One represents Jerusalem which is right now in Arabia.  
This is that Jerusalem that the Antichrist will move to, this is that Jerusalem that goes into travail, that Jerusalem that satan will persecute with her children 
Galatians 4:26-27 
A huge difference between spiritual Jerusalem and earthly Jerusalem. 
Isaiah 66:7-15 
There was no travail, no pain.  
Vs 16 
What he just said in verse 16 is about the end of this, he is talking about the Armageddon.  
Vs 16--18 
This is definitely about the end time. During this period, he tells you what Israel goes through, he comforts them that their future is bright.  
Jeremiah 30:7-9, Daniel 12:1 
Revelation 12:7 
Romans 11:25-26 
Daniel 12:1-4 
When you read from verse 2, you think they're going to rise at the same time, but there is a huge difference between when one group arises and another and it's about a thousand years.  
Today you can see a greater understanding of the book of Daniel, it used to be like a mystery book many years ago.  
Revelation 12:15 
Daniel 9:26 
Daniel is referring to what we read in Revaluation 12:15 Daniel 11:21-26, Jeremiah 46:6-9 
Remember I told you how the Antichrist will be a transhuman.  
The flood is about ministry power.  
Numbers 16:29-35,  
Revelation 12:17, 13:5-7 
Daniel 7:25 
When you read the book of revelation and you observe God's actions or judgement, His wrath against evil, and sinners, it shows you the future of sinful man who chooses not to repent.  
But it also shows you the amazing love of God; you cannot read the book of revelation without coming to the conclusion that God is love, even on the face of all those judgements, you realize that God is love.  
You can see His patience, His long suffering.  
If you look at the world today, I told you about the polarization in the world that was going to be even more evident than ever before.  
In the Antichrist's pursuit of Israel that we just read, the bible tells us that news from the east and nothing will distract him.  
Daniel 11:44-45 
East (China), North (Russia)  
Pray for God's people around the world that they be encouraged of God's Word, encouraged by the ministry of the Spirit, by the ministry of the Word like never before, that they will be strengthened.  
Isaiah 66:7 -8 
The Spirit of God is saying some things; there is a move of God's Spirit.  Extraordinary things will be happening in church growth.  There will be many that will be coming into the house of God, there will be a hunger of the Spirit that will draw so many to the house of God and it will be the minister of the Holy Spirit causing it to happen.  
But at the same time, I see a warning of the Spirit; 
Isaiah 9:15-17 
From here God begins to say something that is very striking 
If you're led by the wrong minister, He said you'll be destroyed.  
Pray for God's people, that as they come into the house of God, they will go to the right places and the Lord will give them the right shepherd, He will give them pastors after His heart. 

(Prayer Session)  
Healing Streams Live Healing Services - 15th - 17th March 
Global Day of Prayer 
29th - 30th March 2024 
Call to Salvation 
This month is loaded with all these programs, between now and then, give attention to prayer and let the Holy Spirit minister to you and encourage you.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...