Thursday 9 May 2024



I want to welcome you to Season 9, Phase 4, Day 1. 

Somebody sent a question arising from Phase 3

Q: the arguing of our case, who are we arguing the case to? Is there Unwillingness on God's part? Is intercession in the new testament different from the Old testament 

A: Intercession is never for yourself. You are getting between two parties. You are arguing the case in the behalf of somebody. You are presenting reasons why you are praying for him.  For example When God spoke to Jonah about the Ninevites, He said they did not know their left from their right. The sinner deserves Judgement. But we also pray and say to the Lord "Jesus died for them". We ask that the Lord will arrange such circumstances that will get him into salvation. 
We pray for the ignorant...sometimes even among Christians. 
Intercession isn't asking God to give us victory. You can't be praying for you. 
You can intercede for a Christian who is a babe in the Lord who.

Colossians 1: 9
He was praying for that church that they would be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. 

Remember when we intercede for others, we are actually praying the will of God. There are things in those people's lives that may prevent God's actions or will from taking place or being manifested. It could be ignorance or wilful disobedience. 
There are some Christians who think they should go to church or read the Bible. 

Col 1:10- That's intercession. That they may fulfil the good pleasure of his will

Ephesians 3:14
He was praying for the Ephesian church. That's how you intercede for God's people. Without it, things are not going to work out. 
Like when we pray for Christians who have not received the Holy Spirit. We are not trying to convince God. He knows they need the Holy Spirit, but they are ignorant. 
And we pray, and plead our case... Then the Lord begins to work on their heart. That person begins to have a desire for the things of God. Just like a sinner... He gets orchestrated into a place where he can hear the message of Salvation. His heart gets watered. 

In the work of Redemption, Jesus already did everything. He doesn't need to do a thing about anybody's salvation. And he gave us a Job to take the message to the whole world. 
The disciples went everywhere preaching the word...the Lord working with them. And he is still working with us today. 

Intercession is the way we pray for nations also. We pray and declare that this being the day of grace, even though they are ignorant... (A lot of people havent heard the true gospel. A lot in churches don't know who Jesus is)
Jesus asked the disciples "whom do people say that I am....then he also asked them whom do you say I am?

(Matt 16). Peter spoke and said you are the Christ, the son of the Living God. 
Jesus said Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you. In other words, or had to be a revelation from God that Jesus was the Christ, the son of God. You can't know that with your head. 
A lot of people don't know that
The day you make a discovery of that, it will change everything. It will revolutionize your whole world. Your world will change when you have a personal discovery of who Jesus name. 
Then you find he is in every cell of your blood every bone of your body. He is in your spirit, your soul and your body.
From then on, your everyday life will be different. He brought you into Victory. You live in the realm of Victory. 

1 Corinthians 1: 30
Always look at the bible yourself. There is something about your photographic mind that pictures the word and it stays with you.

V30: We have a message on this. In Christ Jesus, God has made Christ unto us Wisdom. Christ has become my wisdom, my righteousness, my sanctification, my redemption.

Now that's the knowledge of Christ given to me. 
God wants me to know what Christ means to me. 
Christ is my wisdom so I don't work in the wisdom of this world or the wisdom of men. I have the wisdom of God. He has brought us divine access into divine wisdom.
It is an intermingling. 
Imagine you have a cup of water and another cup of water...and you pour it can't distinguish what came from one cup from the other cup. It's all water. 
He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit. 
The holy spirit of God is inside you and he has made you with himself Inseparably one. There is a union and oneness with God that has taken place. 
The Christian church is yet to capture the enormity of our oneness with Christ. 
But it will happen. 
We have to come to the knowledge (epignosis) of the truth.
I have been given the wisdom of Christ to work with. It is one with me now. It has replaced my human wisdom. 

Otherwise, how can you explain this scripture 
1 John 4:17- This is mind-blowing. 
Babes in Christ and some old Christians have never played with this reality. 

There are different kinds of knowledge. The Epignosis of the truth is the highest of it. It is a knowledge that relates with that which is known.
It's not Ginosko, Gnosis or Eido knowledge. 
These are Greek terms for different kinds of knowledge. 

Imagine this . 
If you put a pen in a gift bag and send it to me...I get to know 'i have a gift'. That's Ginosko.
Then I open it...that's awareness of what gift it is.: Eido
Then I try to find out what pens like this can do...that's scientific knowledge: Gnosis.
But imagine if you get into relating with this pen that you play with the pen and know everything about the pen...correct and precise knowledge...beyond that, knowledge that relates with the owner. You can't now do without this pen. That's epignosis. 
That's the way He wants you to know about the things of God. 
You pass awareness...into a reality and relationship with the truth. 

Ephesians 5:30
How do you explain this?
We are the limbs of Christ. My legs are Christ's legs. My hands are Christ's hands.
These are the things you meditate on and you start living a higher life in Christ.
These are the contemplations of my spirit. I am sharing with you an outflow of my spirit. 

1 Corinthians 6:15
That's what we just read in Ephesians. Don't you know that your bodies are the members of Christ. He is talking to the church; as individual members. 
This is Huge. 

Have this consciousness before you go anywhere. It should be your daily consciousness. 
When the bible tells you that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost, you think it's religious talk? No. Christianity is not a religion or a way of life. It is the divine nature at work in the human body. It is divinity at work in humanity. It is the divine life revealed in the human body. 

1 Corinthians 6:19
Now, you can understand why the apostle Paul was so successful in his ministry. He had an extraordinary life. You can see his thinking. He was appalled that they didn't know.
When you received the holy Ghost, you received the real spirit of God to tabernacle in you. God lives in  you now. 

You've got to give attention to these truths. 

6:20- You are bought with a price. .that means I'm God's property. I was bought with the price of the blood of Jesus. My body and my spirit belong to God. 
No trespassing!!!! I'm God's property! Satan has business in the quarters of this body. My whole spirit soul and body is bought with a price. 

Imagine if you have this consciousness everyday and you have no fear of failure of your adversaries. They don't count. They can shout, they can bark... but they can't bite. 
Discover Christ in you. 
He came to make your life glorious. 
You are Glowing with the spirit of God. 
The more you speak in tongues, the more your spirit flows...which goes through your soul to your body.

Always say.. "I am glowing. I'm excellent and full of glory. I'm always wonderful".
Wonderful refers to a miraculous life. .
His name shall be called "Wonderful counselor...."
Think of the fact that you're one with him now and he is your wisdom 

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and Salvation...the Lord is the strength of my life. 
That's not like "Give me strength of Lord". He is the strength of my life. 
That's consistent with what Paul was talking about in Ephesians 

Ephesians 3:14. .
That He would grant you to be strengthened in the inner man.
The help is right inside you
You are invigorated with might (miracle working ability) in your inner man 

V17- It's an intercession. To comprehend: To take a hold of this reality and make it yours. To personalize this truth. When truth becomes personal to you. 

Ephesians 3:19
And to know (Ginosko) the love of Christ which surpasses (Gnosis). 
This is a level of revelation knowledge that surpasses scientific knowledge. He wants you to know beyond Science. 
When you get to know the love of Christ, it will overwhelm your spirit. 

"That you might be filled with all the fullness of God. ...."
This is the Big one!
Somebody can be filled with all the fullness of God. 
That's who Jesus was. 
This was Paul's experience. He was already in that level of understanding. .
Filled with the fullness of God....
That is God's plan for your life. 

PLEROMA: Everything that God is, with the exception of nothing. 
God wants you to come to the consciousness of this reality. That's why John said "as he is, so are we in this world". 
(1 John 4:17)
Paul was telling you about the knowledge of the love of Christ. It's beyond malice. There is a way you would walk with God that brings you this reality. A knowledge of the Love of God beyond Science. 

 2 Peter 1:1-4
V2 Epignosis of God: it's a kind of relationship. A knowledge of that which is known. You are relating with him.
V3. This is too much. It's too powerful. It's too glorious. 
His divine power has already given to us... It's not a promise. It's a present day reality. God's word is a spiritual mirror that shows you who you are
 You are a masterpiece of Redemption. How are you ever going to discover who you are? Only through the word. You are the work of God. 
Everything that is requisite for life and godliness, he has granted us. 
I am called to glory and Virtue/Excellence. No mundanity or mediocrity in my life. I am excellent all the way. 

When Paul wrote a letter to Timothy, he said "give yourself to these things..."

V4: The word "Promises" is like when you have a Cheque and send it to someone. The Cheque is a promise but it's a different type of promise. It's not like a note you write saying "I promise to give this". A Cheque is a done deal. It states that if you go to the bank, you will get the money and if the money is not there, it's a crime. 

"Partakers of the divine nature" doesn't capture the actual Greek rendering well enough. It actually means "associates/comrades of the God-kind".
You are brought into the God-kind. You're not an ordinary person. 
He wants us to live with this consciousness. 
Not when we get to heaven but in this world. 
(As he is, so are we in this world)
He's brought into your life divine omnipotence. (That is too big for theology).

What did Jesus mean by "All things are possible to him that believes". 

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. ..(Everybody knows this scripture)

Mark 9:23.. That's divine Omnipotence. 
When we discuss Christ in you, we are discussing Divine Omnipotence. 

A lot of God's people are just hearing some of these things. There is a time appointed to every purpose. But these are the last days. You are hearing God's word at this level because of what it will do in your life. 

I walk in divine Omnipotence 
I walk in divine wisdom.

As he is, so are we, in this world. 
For 28 years I'm still saying the same thing. Because it's God's word. 
We are not doing what we are doing by chance. We didn't just find ourselves here. It's certain principles put to work. 
He told us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God's word. 

Ignorance or deception will not exclude you from destruction that's planned by the evil ones. Just because you don't know will not keep you away from trouble. 
We have to think differently and walk in the wisdom of God. 

In 2022, I explained some things to you about the colonization which is now dressed as Globalization but it is the same ideology. Same imperialist agenda.
You have to understand a Globalists mentality. 
Different nations celebrating every year,their independence...but if you understand the revanchists agenda of the imperialists, you will realize that they are not excited as you are excited. 
Now they use financial means, working through the Central banks, getting the Central banks to become one. 
The foolish arithmetic that they have to nations to work out to determine whether your economy is doing well... These are all fictions. 
And the earlier you realize that these are fictions, the better. 
This is the wisdom of this world and as a Child of God, you have to think differently.
Or you will find yourself controlled by their thinking and struggling. 
Use the wisdom of God. 
This is why we pray for the nations of the world that they be guided because they make foolish decisions because of false claims. 
Foreign investments just means the loss of your assets. You lose everything. 
Then you try to borrow money from those who don't have it. 
You borrow money from countries that owe the most, yet that control the regulatory authorities. How wise is that?
And you will never get answers from them..just a lot of ramblings with diplomatic circumlocution. 
When you start asking the right questions, the meeting ends. 

We have to be very careful. That's why we pray. If we pray, the Lord will see fit to intervene, because we are praying for the ignorant and oppressed nations. Some governments are being threatened and oppressed by other powers who are not even as powerful as they pretend to be. 

Learn to use authority!
I know who I am!!!

(Documentary on Vaccine Intrusions) 

I told you before that these vaccines are not accidentally injuring people, no, they are not a result of human errors of some kind; they were fabricated to so these, and intended to create the results that you are seeing. 
We have to stop them, they must stop this wickedness. 

Their agenda is about population reduction which means they're not intending to have those people crippled, they want them killed. 

Understand that they're not building isolation centers, they were intended for something sinister. 
They built prisons and extermination centers. 
I told you these are just play of words, they tell you one thing, they do another. 

They failed and are still trying to make it happen but is it going to fail. Until the rapture of the church, we are not going to let them do what they choose to do, this world doesn't belong to them, it belongs to Abraham and his seed. 

We that are in Christ Jesus we own the world, the earlier you start declaring that the better. 
We will not let them, they have destroyed enough when we are ignorant. But the time as come, the kid has gone up, we are not going to let that happen again. 

These three days we  are praying, before we come together make sure you have time to pray on your own. 

Prayer for the Nations of the world

The organization that goes by the World Health Organization which has nothing to do with health since 2020, they don't exist for the interest of health, it is not a promotion of health. 
Sadly, their activities are questionable and the leader of the organization isn't a doctor, that should tell you health isn't a primary thing on their mind.

They have this clandestine plan to get the Nations to give them authority over their various countries through what they call a pandemic accord. 
There was no pandemic that necessitated their actions, so they keep saying that there is a threat for another pandemic.
The first one was fabricated for the purpose of what they are trying to do now, so it's works health because it isn't their plan. 

Who are the sponsors of the WHO, that will tell you who they are working for, they're not working for the Nations. 

You think the WEF has to do with the economy of the Nations, no it's for Klaus Schwab, it's about Kleptocracy. 
So we have to understand when they speak the way they do; and we pray that the Nations will not be deceived. 

You need to see part two of the ventilator video, 80% of those put on ventilation died. 
Why did people die on the ventilator? 

You know they are trying to convince people that the problem of the world is over population, don't listen to then, they're lying to you. 
They say that because their wants are insatiable and they want what you have. They're not satisfied with what they have, they want yours and the only way is to take it away from you. 

In reality, it's not about population, if they had what you have, they wouldn't mind. 

We have served satan notice, this isn't his day, this is our day in Christ Jesus, the day of the Gospel to go around the world, the day of tr Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be honored and glorified, the day of salvation, the day of grace, and of the spirit of truth; they can beat us. 

This is the day of the Church, we are neutralizing their works, paralyzing their efforts with words and the power of the Holy Ghost. 

(Healing Streams Testimonies) 

Call to Salvation

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...