Friday 10 May 2024



I'd like to welcome you today to another special session. Season 9, phase 4, your LOVEWORLD SPECIALS. 
Hope you joined us yesterday .
We had been dealing with the book of Revelation but yesterday we shared some important things and today we will go along those lines. 

When prayers are led,when the moderator gives the prayer point... Do the tongues he speaks represent the total prayers we pray?

It's not like an instruction to Pastors who lead prayers like that. It's actually a guidance of the spirit of something you see in the word. Often it's by inspiration. 

Ephesians 6:18 KJV, NIV, NLT, RSV
Praying always with all prayer and supplication In the spirit. 
Pray in the spirit on all Occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 
It's like a Doctor saying "for every meal, take 2 capsules of this drug". Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner. 
Pray in the spirit at all times and on every ocassion. 

What do you mean by Pray in the spirit?
Is there an arrangement/or Order?

1 Cor 14:2, 14-15
If I pray in an Unknown (spiritual) tongue, my spirit prayeth. 
When we speak in tongues, we are speaking in unknown tongues. That's praying in/with the spirit. It's a spiritual language. My mind doesn't grasp it. It may sound unintelligible but it is spiritual. 
V15- Look at the priority. The spirit is first. Speaking in tongues is first. 
V16- To Bless, means to give thanks
When Jesus blessed the bread, He gave thanks.

We start out speaking in tongues because it's inspired of the holy Ghost. When you do so your spirit is stirred and your mind will receive the right words for the prayer otherwise you would have prayed in vain. 
Your prayer is not empty. It's inspired. 

Sometimes, you hear yourself repeating the same thing in other tongues. 


2 Corinthians 5:17
Three things to pick out there.
IN Christ: To be in Christ...he is referring to something 

Colossians 2:6..
Walk ye IN HIM. We belong in a new environment.

Colossians 1:12-13
He has delivered us from the domain, environment and jurisdiction of darkness where Satan lorded it over us. 
And he has transferred us/extricated us into the Kingdom of his dear(agape) son. - His love son. 
We wereoved from one environment to another environment. 
This new place is called Christ. 

Col 2:6.. you are walking in this new environment to which you have been transferred. 

God's word are the thinking's and opinions of God. This is his vision, his mentality..and he wants you to have it. 
Live in this new environment. 

2 Corinthians 5:17... If any man be in this new domain. In this new environment... He is a new species...a new creature. ..a new thing. .. a new kind of being.

Jesus did not restore us to what Adam was before the fall. 

You are a new creature. You're not trying to be. Don't try to make it happen. You are. You IS in the now. He IS. I IS. We IS.

"Behold..." It's a key thing in that scripture. 
Abraham looked and He believed and it was counted unto him for righteousness. 

Old things are PASSED away. It doesn't matter that you were born with some condition from your mother, or some lineage of some sort. You are a new creature now. 
LOOK! ALL THINGS are become new. Can you see that it is new? Can you see that you have an inheritance? 
He wants you to see like Abraham looked and believed God. You, look! You're not what you used to be. 

Having received Christ, live in this new environment. Don't go out again. 

Observe the Amazing Christolization of the new creature.
Colossians 2:6-8
This happens through teaching. You are rooted and built up. 
V8: Don't let them deceive you or steal from you. (People often from the world's intelligencia) . These are worldy teachers who revel in their endless labyrinth of philosophocal ontology. They follow the principles of this world and are not after Christ. Sometimes they are religious people..

V9: In Christ, permanently resides, all the fullness of the godhead bodily. Jesus is the body of God
 V10: You are REPLETE with him. You are fully loaded with him. He has moved from telling you where you are to telling you what is in you. 
Jesus is Boss! You should never have fear of any spirit! Junior, senior ones...whatever. Jesus is the head of all principalities and powers. 
In Jesus permanently resides the totality of divinity. Not some of God. All of him. 

PLEROMA refers to a ship that's fully loaded. Then you measure everything on it including the people..  to calculate the full load. 

Jesus has the full load of God. Nothing of God that is not in Jesus. 

(Colossians 1:19)

Jesus declared that he was Adonai. Same God that Moses knelt before. 
The Jews picked up stones against him because they understood what Jesus was saying. But Jesus was exactly who he claimed to be. 
It was the Father's good pleasure to totally reside in Jesus. 

Col 1:26-27
This mystery has been made known to the saints of God. 

What does this mean? 
If Christ has the totality of divinity resident in him, what would it be for the one in whom Christ dwells?

Ephesians 3:14-16
There is a prayer there, but there is a revelation of truth there as well. 
Strengthened with Supernatural miracle working ability. No Christian can be a sissy or a weakling. 

Young people, if anybody tries to bully you, pray in tongues and utter words. Have no fear of any bully. Get invigorated by the holy Ghost in your inner man. 

Smith wigglesworth used to say "I'm a thousand times bigger inside". Glory be to God!

Rooted and grounded in love. The fleshly minded Christian says "I don't like this person..." Getting involved in fleshly fights. You have to learn to walk in love. To be rooted and grounded in love

May be able to grasp at this. To take a hold of it and make it your present truth. 
To understand the four dimensions of love. 

V19: to know the Love of Christ which surpasses scientific knowledge.  That you might be filled with all the fullness of God AS JESUS WAS. REPLETE with God. 
If this wasn't possible, why would God inspire such a prayer. 

Don't be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. 
Who is the Holy Spirit? He is God. 
Jesus was called a child of the Holy Ghost. 
The Holy Spirit is not Junior God. He is the spirit of God. 

It is God's will that you are filled with the fullness of God. Learn to be filled with the holy Ghost all the time. Practice it. 
You are the reservoir of the holy Ghost. God planned that you should always be full. 
The Greek connotation of the language in Ephesians 5:18, is Be Being Filled... Be continuously filled with the spirit. 

Most people have majored on the lesser things of life. But if they could major on the big things! The fullness of God in your life. 

Being joint heirs with Christ brought us into Christ's economy. 

Ephesians 3:20
According to the power that worketh in us...not from Heaven. We are talking about Divine Omnipotence. 
God's people are generally yet to discover the meaning of Christ. 
Mystery in the New Testament is not something kept away from us. 
There is a mystery of the Christ life into which we have been born. We are in this union with Christ that bring us into an extraordinary Oneness with Christ that can only be described from the scriptures. The mind on it's own, cannot understand it. You catch it with the spirit. 
This power is at work in us

V21- Unto him be glory in your life. Your life should be oozing out glory to God. My life is for the glory of God. I was born for his glory. Unto him be glory in my life. 
In the Greek ....unto him be glory in the church in Christ, through all generations of all ages endless era. 

In Christ Jesus, we have entered an endless Era. 
Of the Increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end.

It started in Israel has continued till now unto all ages. 
All of those amazing saints of God... 
All generations of all endless era. 
This thing that we have entered will never end.
It gets greater and greater and is absolutely unstoppable.
It has outlived all those who swore to end it and it will outlive all its adversaries. 

There are many Christians that don't read or know the bible. They don't know what's in there. What we have is not a religion. 

Philippians 2:13
There is a play of words in here. The English puts it nicely. 
The word "Worketh" is derived from the word where we get effect something.
To will and to "do" also means to work. 
You are working out his good pleasure. 
He lives in you..he works in you. 
When you have this consciousness it will come to manipulation 
The recognition of truth effects it's reality. (The knowledge of truth activates it power)
Epignosis is a knowledge that relates with to that which is known. 
We call it Fellowship, but it a more generic word. There are details which knowledge can get in that fellowship. 

2 Peter 1:1-2..
Ever met people who are not enjoying Grace and peace?
Grace continues to promote and uplift you. It brings you divine favor everywhere. Don't worry about your adversaries, they don't count. They can't stand against your favor or the good things God is doing in your life.  It doesn't matter what they try, you just laugh at them.
 But there is something you have to do. 
Grace and peace is multiplied unto you through that precise knowledge of God. 
Peace is akin to the Hebrew 'Shalom' . It's Peace with prosperity. Anywhere you are, you are in charge. They can't beat you. 

V3: Mark the tenses. This happens through the knowledge ... You were called to glory and excellence. Let no one deceive you. You don't lose everything when you become a Christian. Find out what happened to those who walked with Christ. .
The bible is a book about rich people. 
And when it talks about the poor, it brings him into wealth. Only the ignorant ones who rejected truth wereeft where they were. 
Abraham was blessed in all things
Job was the richest man in the East. His friends were Kings. He was so rich. And after his trials, God blessed him with twice as much as what he had before. 
The richest people in the world at that time were from the East so it means Job was the richest man in the world. 
Did you read of King David who wrote the Psalms?.
Did you read about King solomo ?

2  Peter 1:4- We are associates of the God-kind. He is telling you that we have become members of a Heavenly Pantheon.
By this knowledge of God word will the enemy be completely uprooted from his places of occupation. 

John 10:32-37
Follow this dialogue here. 
The word came to them, and yet he called them gods. 
V38- if any man be in Christ.... Christ in you....
I am in Christ. 

1 Corinthians 15:47-48
It's the natural that came first. 
Then the spiritual one came afterward. 
The first man is of the earth, earthy...
The second one is the last one, there is no third one.
He was born in Bethlehem Judah
His mother was a woman in the earth. 
She didn't fall out of the sky.
Jesus was born a nd grew up as a child. .he became an adult and lived among humans. 
The account we don't get are the 18 silent years from when he was 12 to 30. Why? Because they just didn't give us the account.
He didn't go to Egypt to study Magic. He went there as a Baby and returned to Israel as a little boy. 

Follow this teaching 
The first Adam is of the earth, earthy. 
The second Adam is the Lord from Heaven
His life was from above. His life came from the spirit. From the word of God. 
As a Christian, you are not traceable to the first Adam, but to the second and last Adam, Jesus Christ. 
V48- He is talking about the second man. 'Such are they'...not such shall they be.

1 John 3:1-2
The sons of God- Born of God. 
The world doesn't recognize us because they didn't recognize him. 
NOW are we the sons of God, not later. 
You can't tell from the outward appearance

1 John 4:17
As he is , so are we. Live like that. 

1 Corinthians 15:49
There is a bit of issue because of a word here. 
"We shall also bear". The translators chose future indicitive. But the context isn't supposed to be future indicitive. The language is is actually Aorist Subjunctive. :-)
(The Catholic Bible and Douay Bible got it right).

As we have borne the image of the earthly, let us bear also the image of the heavenly. 
We bore the image of the first Adam, but now that we are in Christ Jesus, you are heavenly. Bear the image of the heavenly. Live accordingly. 

Jesus was full of the holy Ghost but he ate, he was full, he slept. He functioned like man on earth. He sent his disciples to buy food.
Don't use your mind to interpret the word of God. Read your Bible. He has shown us an example that we should follow his steps. 
Jesus called his disciples to rest. He also rested to show them how to rest. He ate . You can be supernatural and still eat normal food. 
For three years, Jesus didn't fast. He fasted only at the beginning. He told us we would fast after he leaves. 
He rode on a donkey. 
He was encased in a human body, not the glorified celestial body but the terrestrial body. 

Now that we are the sons of God, we also have a terrestrial body but it is impacted and full of the holy Ghost. 

Ephesians 2:18-19
Both Jews and Gentiles now have Access to the Father. 
We are fellow citizens with the Saints (holy ones) and of the household (domestics/relatives) of God. 

There is something about you. You are full of glory. 
Feed on these things. Grow in the knowledge of Christ. Everyday, add to your knowledge of God. Let your life become so full of the word. Become completely inundated with the word of God. 
Through meditation, your mentality becomes completely altered. You can only think God's thoughts. 
Jesus said "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh". Only think God's thoughts. Don't let your mind wander off in another direction. Let it be your dream and desire. Journey in that direction in your life; to please him and live him genuinely from the bottom of your heart. Not for what he can give to you or how powerful he is. When you get to know who he is, you will love him more than everything he ever did for you. He did what he did because of who he is. You would be more impressed with his person. 
His actions are based on his person. 
To know him is to love him.


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...