Saturday 11 May 2024


Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Rev Tom Amenkhienan



Welcome to Day 3, Season 9, Phase 4.
If I didn't know what I know in the word of God, after watching that documentary, i will be very angry. 
But you see, I play with a different set of rules, I belong in another jurisdiction. 

We show you these things so you can understand what is going on in our world so you can be better prepared. 
I show you from the word of God how to live above these fraudulent systems of the world. You have to think differently. 

Ita painful to think about man's inhumanity to man, the wickedness in the heart of man and it has nothing to do with colour, but because of Satan's influence, they have moved from weapons of mass destruction to more silent weapons of the masses destruction. 

Take the GMOs for example, they told you your new GMOs was created to repel pest, the pest are a sign that something is good. 

Go and read your history, how did men know as they migrated from the areas of garden of Eden and speed to the world? How did they know what leaves to eat? They followed the animals, the ones the animals won't eat, they stayed away from. These animals are more sensitive, can smell things men can't smell. 

Those GMO corns are causing cancer in the huma body, what do you expect? 
Are you not aware rodents ard used for experiment to tell what is good for human consumption? They tell you if it's good for rodents ita good for man. 

What we have today is there is a complete shift both in the medical practice and the pharmaceutical industries. 
They try to find out what is injurious and recommend it for you. 

The government came about vaccination through business lobbies, who have them money and influenced them and out of greed destroyed their own people. 

So I am sharing God's word with you so you can walk in wisdom, in divine power and never be a victim. 
Remember Jesus knew where He put us: He said I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves, He understood the world. 
We are wise as serpent and harmless as doves, but we do have devastating and crushing blows to satanic works

Jesus is manifested in you to destroy the works of the devil, so everywhere we show up, the works of the satan is paralyzed... Only those of us with the Name of Jesus Christ can save them and we will keep doing it and keeping our world in check until the trumpet sounds. 

You've got to know the word, refuse to be a victim in the world of darkness, we shine as lights and there is nothing the devil can do about it. 
Let the word boil you up, keep you afloat. 

Phillipians 2:13 KJV
God is at work in you making you willing to do what pleases Him, so you must realize that you're not on your own. God works in you.

Matthew 10:20 KJV
Do you have this consciousness? 
Jesus said my father gave me words to speak and say. 
If you are going to experience this, you must have the consciousness and think like this. 
Matthew 10:19
Vs 19 gives a scenario of someone in a difficult situation
This is why you must have the Holy Spirit. 

John 7:38-39
The spirit of God flows through you in words, words of life as you speak. 
Your Christianity must be an every moment continual Christianity not sometimes you're in office. Christianity is not an official thing that you assume sometimes and put it off at other times, it's a life that you live continually not a lifestyle. 

There is a huge difference between a life and a lifestyle, the human life isn't a lifestyle.
This divine life you now have on Christ, you live it continually not for Sunday Sunday, or sometimes or when you remember. 

Not only do you speak by God, you live and move by God. Understand that there is consciousness that makes this a reality, a consciousness of the truth brings it into effect, if you think right, you'll talk right and if you talk you'll live right.

If you don't think right, you can't talk right, and if you don't talk right you can't live right: it starts from your thinking

God's works give you material material for thinking
Romans 12:1-2 KJV

You change your thoughts by new information, as you study the word of God you will think differently and it will lead to transfiguration, metamorphosis, continually glowing in God. 

1 Peter 1:1-5
Here Peter was writing predominantly to the Jewish Christians, they understood the Gospel according to the old background. 
When you read this, you'll think he is talking about an inheritance you'll get when you get to heaven, but no, it's the translation that gives the impression. 
It is backed in heaven for you, it doesn't fade. 

When Jesus comes, so we will be revealed in the final time. 
It is secured on Heaven doesn't mean it is waking there, but it is backed up by Heaven. 

Ephesians 1:11-18

When you received the Holy Spirit you were sealed, you don't need a special sealing meeting. 

Earnest - down payment
Meaning the Holy Ghost is a part of the inheritance, He is the down payment. 
Redemption here means the full payment of the acquisitions

Lots of translators don't understand V18 because of the use of language,, but to understand this you have to read the old Testament as well as the new. You have to understand prophetic revelation of God's word, you have to understand the subject of salvation, redemption. 

Vs 18
Here God is referring the inheritance that comes from Him and the beautiful thing is this inheritance is in the saints. 

You want to know God's inheritance, look inside, look what He is done. 

Romans 5:17 KJV
God gave so much grace. 
The KJV was careful in the use of the definite article 'The' because there is no the abundance of grace for everybody. 
You can have more grace, all of the grace is not packaged in one definite article 'The', so how much grace you take advantage of is up to you. 

You receive as much grace as you want, the gift of righteousness cannot be increased or reduced, it's a definite article. All of us receive the same gift of righteousness. 

Ephesians 1:14
How much is in you? How much are you going to take advantage of? 
All things are fulfilled in Christ

Romans 10:4-9
Don't say how am I going to get the inheritance? 
All the promises of God in Christ are yes because Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of God's promises. Christ was the final answer

It doesn't matter what anyone is going through today, Christ is the final answer. 
It doesn't matter what is happening and how bad it is, doesn't matter how powerful your enemies are, didn't matter Joe badly you have been treated: once you hear this message you understand you have the answer. 

Who is to redeem the acquisitions? It is You. 

Acts 19:1-
The word receive is translated Lambano which means to take. 
It's different when someone is giving you something and you receive it because it is put on your hand. 
Lambano means go take. 
So if you had to Lambano the earnest of the inheritance why do you suppose that you won't need Lambano for the rest of the acquisitions? 

All of nature is instructed to favor you, that's is part of the inheritance and you put it to work by Lambano. 
Christ is you now, you put every thing right in your life. 

Ephesians 1:14 AMPC
How do you get it? You acquire it, you declare it. 

If you don't stay in truth, you can be misled and once Satan misleads you in one thing then he can mislead you in more things if you don't arrest your mind through the word of God. 

Ephesians 1:14-21 AMPC
Vs 19-21 MSG 

One of the things that God's people have to learn is to use the  Name of Jesus, but you can't use the Name effectively if you don't know what it represents, that is why this Vs 21 in the message translation is important. 

Ephesians 1:22

When we agree on anything, nothing we can't do. 
There are certain things that God expects us to do with as individuals, but if it is something that affects others (the church in a city) you need agreement, you need God's people to join you in prayer. 
And of the things that satan has used against the church is to get God's people divided on any subject, because as long as they can't see something in the right way together, then they can't agree. 
That doesn't mean you have to get every Christian to join you, no only those who know the truth: they are the ones God hold responsible for others. 

Don't think that the ignorant will cancel whatever you have, no they can't, they don't have the power. 
Remember He told us those who are spiritual should take care of the weak, so He isn't holding the weak responsible for their bad decisions, He is holding those spiritual responsible. 

Division is only recognized when those who are spiritual are divided, not when the babes are divided; the babes being divided doesn't mean anything at all. 

Your calling can be before you were born again that doesn't mean you know the truth.  A man can enter the ministry before he gets matures in God, that is why when you get into the ministry, you need training. 
Training is important in the things of God, you're not going to skip the steps else you're going to make mistakes. 
And sometimes those mistakes can be devastating and some of those mistakes can cost your life. 

You have to learn and give attention to spiritual growth. When it comes to prayer and spiritual things that we have to do, God isn't holding the ignorant responsible, it's those who are spiritual. 

An example from the books of Acts
When they had spiritual matters to deal with, they didn't call the whole congregation, they called the apostles and elders, elders not by gray hair. 

The things that affect others, we call the church to pray. 

Ephesians 2:1-
When you study the writings on f Paul, you have to know when he is writing to babes and when he is writing to the seniors. 
Vs 1 he was writing to the babes

God already healed you in Christ Jesus, He isn't going to perform any miracle. 
God is a miracle working God is actually for babies, He sent us to perform the miracles. We are the miracle workers today not Him. 

God gave us the name to use, His name is effective and working right now. 
Go to the PCDL, build your faith strong, don't wait for the day of crisis and trouble to come. So on the day of trouble, you know exactly what to do, you'd have been prepared before the time. 

Ephesians 2:2 -
There is something so beautiful about the new testament writings, a revelation of the spiritual that was never known in the Old Testament. 
So much is revealed in the New Testament. 

Vs 3
With this new life, there is no past. 

Vs 6
He is taking them from this babyish understanding to bringing them to a place of understanding rulership. He is telling them where they are now. 

Vs 7
The KJV doesn't give the best of this rendering
Right from the ascension of Christ, till now and into the future, He demonstrates the riches of His grace in His kindness towards us... This is something He wants to do all the time. 

Today, make up your mind about your prayer life.  This is the year if redemption and it's not about you getting redeemed. 

In the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, live as children of lights, declare God's word. 
Don't let the poverty and wickedness in world drown and depress you, Be a Saviour. 
You're a Saviour and a deliverer. 
Your calling is to save and the one who goes out to save is more powerful than the one who destroys, always remember that. 

Light is more powerful than darkness. 
We stand for the light, they stand for the darkness, everyone who destroys others stands for the darkness, everyone who creates evil belong to the darkness. 
We are the Light of the world. 

Prayer Session

Prophecy Pastor TT Temisan

As we were pray it, in awe the vision of the whole earth surrounded by a luminescent blue light, and the Spirit of God began to speak; that these teaching and words they are going around the world, they've been altered into the atmosphere, and it is energizing God's people. 
And God's people are being positioned, there is a divine positioning, and there is a rearmament and realignment all over the world. 
Everyone that hears this word and takes a whole of them, and believes them and commits himself to them, there is a divine movement that is coming into places and position on different works of life, in different strata of life. 

Abundance of grace is moving them into position,  lifting what they do, lifting their churches, lifting their ministries, lifting their companies, giving them a voice and authority. 

Hear these words, these words you have heard in the past few days, they're words that will change your life, destiny and your walk in God
Three words are positioning you, they are bringing promotion into people's lives. 

You are promoted, from glory to glory. 
Territories are being taken from these very words, if you will commit to them.. Resistance are being broken, chains are broken. 
I see ministers in Asia, Canada, Brazil Australia, shaking the continents,  young people with startups and as they commit themselves to these words, there is an energy that is working in them. Resistance that was against them are broken, suddenly they're thrust into position and places of authority, that the things they say and do is moving fast, finance is coming to them, people are aligning with them.

Because of the message of these three nights, suddenly there is an arrangement for something that is about to happen that will affect the whole world. 
This message is the word for now: and we will se testimonies and a change in the whole earth because of this. 
It's a new age, there is speed: things are going to happen fast, there is a quickening and the church is greater and stronger for it. 
The Lord is coming and this message of the divine omnipotence is a change. 

Pastor Deola Philips:

As we were praying, I saw  a digging for treasures.  treasures were being brought out and delivered to God's people. As we receive the word of God, we are being given treasures to work with, display and to use. 
The church is coming to maturity, to a place where they will wield the powers and resources of the kingdom, the divine glory of the kingdom will be revealed in the church at this hour. 

And at this present hour, there is a change and there is an alignment, a positioning and a setting in office in a specific way and it will be marked from this program that there has been a change.  

God's people are coming into office to manifest and to display the treasures of the kingdom. 
I heard the power of the kingdom are being manifested in this hour, the glory, the riches and the splendor of the kingdom are being manifested. Hallelujah


Call to Salvation

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...