Friday 21 June 2024



DEFINITION OF ORDER: is a prescribed form o

The arrangement or disposition to people or things in order of their sequence.

The ark of God was not meant to be carried in a cart. Uzza was struck for touching it to prevent it from falling. But only the Priests were meant to carry the ark of God.

We must bring in order in our lives and bring in order in the Church.

When God wants to do great things in our lives, He first establishes order in our lives.

1 Corin. 11 : 27
*Importance of Order / Consequences of disorderliness in the House of God.*
The above scripture deals with The manner/ attitude of taking the Holy communion.

When there is irreverence in the house of God, their is judgement.
Irreverence must be eliminated from our lives.

The communion has spiritual significance and should be taken in the proper manner.
Irreverence attracts condemnation of God.
Titus 1 : 4
The house of God is not a place where just anything goes.
You don't come in late to a service and leave whenever you want to leave.
Learn to participate. Learn to sit in and follow the due order. Moving in and out of service does not show reverence for the Lord.
It is not accepted and should not be tolerated in the house of God. Angels don't tolerate it as well.
Be reverent in the House of God.
1 Tim. 3 : 14 - 16
The house of God is a place of discipline.
There is a way we pray, there is a way to worship.
Maintain reverence.
When we are worshipping, Your heart should be in the worship.
Ps. 111 : 10

# The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
If you want to walk in wisdom, you must be reverent. Without the fear of the Lord You cannot function in wisdom. Study the scriptures to know his will.
When you participate online for any meeting, be reverent. Practice a life of reverence.
# Try not to skip services.
Heb. 10 : 25
The assembling of ourselves is important.
No excuse will suffice for not being in a Church service.
Titus 1 : 10 : 15
Titus 2 
Titus 3

When you live reverent, you begin to hear the voice of God.
Let God speak to you on the most important things.

1 Tim. 4 : 15 - 17


Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...