Friday 21 June 2024



You are a cell leader and that means that you have people you are leading in the things of God. That is a huge responsibility bvos everyone that cares spirotully is someone for whom chrust died. So each one is of immense importance to God. So being a cell leader is an extraordinary responsibility. Every individual has a unique identity.
Each one of us is the only one in the world. He thinks like you are so important nothing else matters.

If you were the only one in the world that required Salvation, Jesus woukd have still come. He didnt come bcos you ar a man..he came bcos of You as a perso . Unless you understand that way..the hospel will not mean so much to You. Relating with Jesus will not means so much to you...even your life will not mean so much to you. You have to understand Gods perspective.
We have to love one another. It wasnt just a statement was a statement of value.
How much are you worth?
It changes your way of thinking...not only about yourself but about others. And you think differently. And the word of God will mean so much to you. The world does not understand his love. Yoy have to knkw Jesus Christ to understand his love. will be just jn the realm of appreciation...but no. It is different. And He doesnt love in grades. He has only one standard of Love. Its Gods great love. There is no greater.
There is no love greeater than this than a man should lay down his life.
If there are 10, 20 people in your cell, be full of Joy every time seeing each one of them. Joy unspeakable, indescribable.
This love of Christ inspires you to win souls, to win others with his message.

2 Corin. 5 : 14 - 15
The love of Christ compels us , it compels from within.
When you have that inside you, u dont wait foe a Pastors instruction to win souks, visit them, or to look out for the one that has not be found for days or weeks.

We are in a world today that is concerned with these things. Many are struggling to to save their own lives...and then God calls you to love.
If you want to understand the world in which we live today , you ought to read the understand man's nature and the changes that you see in the world.

2 Importnant things

1. Man is not more wicked today than he ever was in reality.
The bible describes the heart of the natural man is desperately wicked. The heart is deceitful above all things.
Why does it look like its more today? Bcos there are more people doing the wickedness now..than before.

2. The increase of those wicked people. There are more people disseminating information.
When you didnt know, you didnt care.
You need to understand the word of God for yourself. It ministers to you the confidence you need in this world, unmoved by their threats and wickedness.
2 Tim. 1 : 7
God hasnt given us the spirot of fear. I Have recieved the spirot of love, power and of a sound mind.
I am super intelligent. I have a sound mind.
I didnt come from nothing and i am not going unto nothing.
One day you will stand before God. Man is a spirit. He is not a physical body.
Your body was given to you to function in the spirit.

#Documentary on Climate Change#
When jesus came He did something. He was impactful. We have to be impactful.
Prayer is not nothing. Prayer is important. We can change things in prayer.
How dis Joshua win the war against Amalek? Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the mountain to pray..
What did Paul say...I would that Men pray always lifting Holy hands.
There are prayers we pray on our knees.
We stand to pray somethings.
We cant just shut our eyes as if nothing is happening. The days of ignorance are over.. do you know how many people that are in the hospital for what they didnt know. Had they known, they would have avoided it.

Ultimate Surveillance Machine.
Consider ditching your i-phones.

WHO was a subterfuge from the beginning. The vaccines have nothing to do with your health.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...