Friday 26 July 2024




These are so important.
Except we have a good understanding of what they are, we may just live without knowing we lived. 
Recently I was listening to aanmessage that I preached 25 years ago titled Christ consciousness.

Christ consciousness is something that is important to a Christian.
Consciousness at it's simplest, is awareness of internal and external existence. 

How can we know that we are even alive? How can we know us?
It takes scholarly minds in the world to get this confused, frankly speaking. They are searching for answers from those who are searching for answers. At the end of the day, they come up with definitions that make no sense to them. 

For example, Love is impossible without an object of love with the capacity to receive and reciprocate love.
If you are in Space you cannot know your location without a reference of another location. Without it, you are lost. 

Consciousness is like that. 
You Cannot define your own consciousness without relating with another conscious being. Consciousness is impossible without the ultimate conscious being. .
How can you have self awareness without reference to another conscious being that can respond to your own consciousness?

No Christian with a personal relationship with Christ has a problem with consciousness. 
You can know and read about Jesus and not know Jesus. There is a difference between being Erudite on the subject of religion and knowing Jesus Christ personally in a relationship. 

Jesus brought us a relationship with God. He brought us revelation. Mental erudition will never solve the problem. You cannot know God with your mind; He is far beyond the mind. Consciousness must be taken beyond human thought. 
Man is a spiritual being. And unless you  understand the spirituality of your nature, you will have no relationship with truth. 

Jesus said "I am the truth". 
It is either he was insane to have said that, or he knew what he was talking about. He is the ultimate reality. He is the final reference point. 
Truth is an absolute. And Jesus declared that He was the truth.

Only the scriptures help us with the right understanding and right definition.

For example ,I gave you an important definition of eternal life. .eternal life is the organic and existential attribute of deity. It is with the extrapocalatory evidence of the divine character. 
God proved himself to be so, because he came to earth in Jesus Christ with all the Characteristics of a living being.  He demonstrated his organic nature in the earth. Born, grew and related as a human as long as he was. In the earth. He proved his organic nature. 
He proved himself to be alive. He demonstrated his character. The scripture is replete with such information.
We too...
Look at the miracles that took place today. How can you explain them?

Living the life the Christ has given us is he only true way.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life.  
The Bible is a book proven to be true again and again. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. 
If you receive his life into you, your search will come to an end because you will discover yourself in him. 
The question of consciousness will be completely answered for you as a person.

John 1:4- in him was life and the life was the light of men.

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...