Saturday 20 July 2024


Opening Prayers by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Eze


I want to welcome you to today's program. This is Day 3, Season 9, Phase 6
In the last two days we have shared some important things in God's word and also given some time to look at what is happening in our world. 
And through the word you determine our response and do exactly what the word says. 

Tonight we are going to go a step further. 
During Hitler's Holocaust, that means the Holocaust inspired by Hitler in Germany and eastern Europe, there were many intelligent people who were told what was happening; Some even heard about the plan: the plan to round up the Jews and others who were listed. They didn't take it seriously, they didn't believe it. 
And even among the Jewissh people, lots of them very educated... they would not believe. A lot of them were prosperous businessman... even when they were being taken to the concentration camp, they couldn't believe something bad was going to happen. 
They couldn't believe it would happen until it was happening, by then it was too late. And even when leaders of Nations got a wind of what was going on, they couldn't believe. 

I met a man who was over a hundred years old. A Jewish man.  He suffered during the Holocaust as a young person.  
He was still living on shock after all those many years. He had difficulty believing in God: still asking the question.."why did God abandon us?". 

I said that for a reason because, Satan doesn't have any new tricks, the bible shows us, he does the same things with different people in different ways. But same principles. He's used them so long, He knows they work. 

There is such a thing as spiritual blindness and spiritual deafness. 

Isaiah 42:18-22.KJV, NIV
Sometimes someone who serves the Lord can be blind. 
It happened at Covid. 
Think about it. 
This scripture was there before the Holocaust and yet it happened because no one was paying attention to this. And in today's world it's the same. 

In 2020, I showed you several documentaries on the Holocaust to remind the world of what had happened before. 
Including a documentary of what happened in China as a result of Mao Zedongs collectivization. 
The world seems to have forgotten. 

Remember the concentration camps ... And what were those concentration camps? They were extermination camps, they always come up with new languages just like they did during covid by creating isolation camps. 
Those isolation camps are still there...waiting to be turned into Concentration camps. 
There is no doubt for what they were intended for. 
They asked for these things from many nations. They are there. 
You have to refuse to be spiritually deaf or spiritually blind. 

Matthew 13:13-15
If you will see with your eyes and hear with your ears, and understand ...there will be a change. A change of the situation. There will be healing. But a lot of times, they are listening, not hearing. Looking, not seeing. Having no understanding. 

Vs 16
I told you, Everybody has his own place, this is where we belong. 
Our eyes are blessed because we see. Our ears are blessed because we hear. 
I see, I hear and I understand. 

More scriptural references)
Isaiah 43:8 KJV, Isaiah 56:10 KJV
He had watchmen but theyr were blind, ignorant, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber

Life is spiritual that's why we must walk with spiritual understanding. It's one of the things that Paul prayed for young Christians. 

Colossians 1:9
He wants you to be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. There's mental understanding. Cultural understanding. Professional understanding.
Some can only reason as professionals, politicians or their career or area of interest. 

But spiritual understanding is superior to all kinds of natural understanding. 
Life is spiritual. 
You are a spirit being. 
You live in your physical body.
Your intellectual constituents are in your soul and your soul is a tool given to your spirit to function with. There you have your emotions, your will, your mind. The decisions of your spirit are orchestrated there. 
All of that is part of your human spirit... The hidden man of the heart. 
The Outward Man is the body and it's senses. 
But you are primarily a spirit being with spiritual capacities and God wants you to train spiritually 
Many have given their whole life to earthly training. 
They've trained their mental powers and physical bodies. Even though you are Erudite intellectually and strong physically, if you have no spiritual understanding you are Sunk. You have a huge problem. It's like you haven't lived. That's where the real life is. 
That's why Jesus said YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN.
Thats the recreation of the human spirit
 And when your spirit is recreated, you are awakened to the Fatherhood of God. 
It's better to start learning from there so you grow spiritually. 
Life is spiritual. 

1 Chronicles 21:1
This scripture is so enlightening.
Satan stood up against the Nation of Israel and provoked their king to carry out a Census. 
What's wrong with a Census?
It might be nice. He wanted to know the numbers so that they can plan. Whatever was in his heart.... But it was inspired by Satan the adversary.
The question is... Who is responsible for what you think you want to do? It's not about how intelligent it is. 

Moses brought the Israelites to the red sea. God told him to stretched his hand over the sea and divide it. What knowledge was that?
Moses was trained as a soldier. He knew what they were up against. The army of Egypt was coming after them..yet he had former slaves who had got nothing. No arms. They were never trained for war. They didn't stand a chance. It was either back to Egypt or death. So he cried to God and God gave the instruction.

Some times we may have the smartest idea but that's not the way God works. You need d supernatural guidance. 
As many as are led by the Spirit of God bare the sons of God.  
We walk in the wisdom of the spirit.   
How important the wisdom of the spirit is.

Reminds me of something.
Jesus said "a greater than Solomon is here".
1 Kings 4:29-33
God gave Solomon wisdom. He was wiser than all men. 
There was a time.....just one person was wiser than everybody of his generation. 

Significantly, look at Proverbs 4:1-4
Mark the things his Father taught him...
And be careful to note when he stops quoting his Father. 
Hear what David taught him.  He told him to get wisdom. 

Who was the Father of Methuselah who lived the longest ever? 
His Father was Enoch!  That's the guy that didn't die. Methuselah must have learnt some principles from his Father which gave him such a long life. Remember Enoch did not see Death.

Prov 4:4- 5:1-6...
David was wealthy but he told his son to get Wisdom. 
Solomon was talking to his Children in.   This chapter. He was quoting the words of David. 
Solomon resumes his discussion with his children from verse 7 of Chapter 5.

No wonder David is coming back to rule. As King in Jerusalem when Jesus. Comes. 

With all of this amazing wisdom that God gave to these men, Jesus said of himself "a greater than Solomon is here".
And in Christ, who are we?
Luke 11:31
Jesus was the wisdom that Solomon needed. 

1 Corinthians 1:30
This is amazing.  Christ. Is. Made unto us wisdom. The greater. Than Solomon has been made my Wisdom.
You have to make up your mind. To function in this supernatural wisdom.

1 Corinthians 2:6-13
This is one  of  those things you Enjoy when you speak with people who are mature in the things of God; you will talk in a different kind of language. 
We speak the wisdom of God's d in a mystery. You have to be initiated to discuss at such levels.

In these Days, it is so important that bwe walk in the divine wisdom that God has given us.  It also reflects in our language.
We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. Not in words which mans wisdom teaches, but which the holy Ghost teaches. 

Satan provoked David to number Israel. He was a young King; just beginning to learn how to walk with God. He was didn't know it was the devil that inspired him.
The census program was not right. 
Being God's nation at the time, He sent  Gad the prophet to talk to David. 

2 Samuel 24:13
God Gave David 3 punishment options to choose from.
7 years of famine
3 months of being pursued and oppressed by your enemies
3 days epidemic in the Land. 

God sent an epidemic to Israel. 70,000 men died. The angel made Jerusalem the final place. 
There was an angel behind the killing of the people. 
V17- 25
David saw the Angel. Araunah also saw the Angel. 
David offered the sacrifice at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. The fire of God came from heaven and consumed the sacrifice. The spirit of God told him that this was Mount Moriah. It was the place that God chose for sacrifice
 It was the place that Abraham found. 
David announced THIS IS GODS HOUSE.
Then he told Solomon the Temple would be built right there.b
David brought all that was necessary for the building of the Temple
( At that time, Gibeon was the place of sacrifice.) ...

It's. So important to follow God's instruction, his guidance. and.  Wisdom.  It's. Very different from the wisdom of man. 
How did David know that the angels sword was pointed towards Jerusalem? He jad d to know the truth Spiritually. 
Spiritual wisdom
Spiritual. Understanding.
How.  Important this is.  
How many.  People have gone for. A. Medical procedure that they should.  Not have gone for and the devil was Behind it. They didn't know the spirituality of life.  

Following God's spirit can save your life.  

Luke 8:1-2
Mary wasn't possessed but she was afflicted by 7 demons. I've met people like that. 
Can you know that that condition is spiritual?
We have the healing streams coming up soon.
A whole lot of people all over the world are going to be healed. I've already seen some things in the spirit and it's amazing what God will do.

2 Chronicles 18:18
It's the story of 2 Kings: Ahab and Jehoshaphat who wanted to go to war. 
All the first set of prophets said the same thing. 
Who was inspiring the war?
The guy who went to bring prophet Micah advised him to conform to the Prophetic narrative that had been established.
(Like the Same narrative was peddled during Covid.)
One spirit became the lying spirit in the mouths of ALL the prophets. That's why they had the same narrative.

I told you demon spirits were at work in the media houses.
How could they have been so foolish
 Demons make people foolish. 
They were saying the same thing..even the same chorus. 
Like two weeks ago, they couldn't make a statement saying "we love Biden". Yet they want him to step down. They claim he did a fabulous job. 
No he didn't. We know what happened in the world. They are the ones encouraging the Davos club, NATO, UN and WHO. 
Because a lying spirit has been functioning in the mouth of their prophets. That's what the Bible tells us. 

2 Chronicles 18:18-34
This was a vision. And because it's a vision, the truth of it will be there, not necessarily the way it played out in Heaven. Visions can be symbolic. What's the message of that vision.
Zedekiah slapped Micaiah but Micaiah did not slap him back. Learn from Micaiah.
The King of Israel was a wicked man. He told Jehoshaphat to wear his robe so that people would think it was him while he disguised himself. 
When Jehoshaphat was attacked, God moved them to depart from him (as He moved Trump's head)
Someone threw his bow AT RANDOM and it hit the King of Israel. 
(The Lord knows those that are His)
The King of Israel listened to all those people with the lying narratives.

We have to understand our responsibility in this day and in this hour. 
Many of these people don't even know who's inspiring them. Why are they working so assiduously on food shortage for the nations and lying about it?
Now they are euthanizing millions of cows and chickens...lying about an infection that these birds have that are dangerous to humans, impoverishing the nations...because it is a part of the Satanic plan and agenda. It's really bad.

(Video play outs of how farmers are being paid to stop growing food butnto grow wild flowers instead.)

They are paying them to stop growing food. This is in the midst of slaughtering millions of cows. Beef and chicken is going away. It's part of the UN agenda 2030. (They want people to eat insects and lab grown meat under the guise of "the nitrogen crisis" in the Netherlands which is a part of the globalist agenda. The UN agenda has 17 sustainable development goals for 2030 which cannot happen until there is a forceful relinquishment of Human rights. They want to establish a one world government)

Now they want to put vaccines in food...fruits, meat etc. They are pushing mRNA in the food supply. Without labeling the food items. 
(They have successfully been able to put it into tomatoes, lettuce, and tobacco products)

It was never about your health. Why are they trying to get the vaccine into you in a clandestine way. And these are the mRNA vaccines 
I'm glad we have the opportunity to pray. 

2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 NIV
He is talking about the coming of the Lord (the second coming of Christ, not the rapture).
Before the Lord will come, the antichrist will come here. He is called the man of lawlessness; the man of sin. 
What is keeping the lawless one back..
The antichrist is not a man to be born sometime, and then he decides what to do.
He is a man chosen and anointed by Satan.
Satan picks a guy and fills him with himself and gives him authority. 
That period is the period that Satan is allowed to run this world. Just like God needed a man to save this world and Jesus had to be born a man.
Satan knows his time is limited so he wants to gain a lot of time before then by starting earlier. 

V6-7 NIV, Rothhams 
There is a proper time for the antichrist to be brought to the fore.
Satan's been carrying out his work. 
The one who now holds him back will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way. 
There are 2 interesting words here. 
'Way' translated from a simple Greek word "mesos". It's better rendered "midst"
"...Till he is taken out of the midst"
It's regrettable that most translations used "way".

The second word is 
"Genomai" has several words taken from its root. One significant one is the word "Arise"
"...till he ARISES our of the MIDST". So, He was there all the while
 " Till he is gone out of the midst"

The church is the restraining force holding them back until the proper time.
So we pray. 
This plan to create false shortage of food in the nations of the world, we are going to cut it short. The plan for bird flu to kill so many animals and replace them with vegetable meats and insects is cut off. 
This is an insanity motivated by demons. 
We will address the evil spirits behind this work. 
Those demons motivating them to do these things to nations, and influence them to destroy they cattle and birds, disturbing the farmers and poisoning the food, embedding mRNA into the food...

You that are God's people, have no fear One bit. He already told you, these signs shall follow them that believe. They shall drink any deadly thing, it shall now hurt them.

First pray in the spirit and speak words n the direction of what I've shared with you so far. 
Pray for the leaders of your country, city and state...and pray for others. 

(Prayer session)

Finance Convention Day 5 With Pastor Chris, Christ Embassy Lagos Zone 5, 12/09/2024.

Phil. 4:6, John 1:1. All of God's plans, thought, response, speech, message he was all of God and he became flesh and dwell amongst us. ...