Wednesday, 30 October 2024

*HSLHS Day 2:*

*What sets Christianity apart is that God speaks.
*Hebrews 1:1
*God works in the scriptures seeking Men.
*Hebrews 12:25
*Psalm 119:9-16. The Psalmist stressed the importance of The Word.
*Hebrews 1:1-2
*In the Old Testament, God reveals Himself through His covenant. In the New Testament, God reveals Himself through His Word.
*2 Cor 4:6
*Colossians 1:12-19
*Hebrews 1:2
*God's full expression of Himself is Jesus. The heartbeat of our faith is Jesus. God's living, breathing, touchable Word is Jesus.
*To say that Jesus is the Word means God is speaking to us. God only needs one Word to perfectly communicate the depth, mastery, passion, overwhelming grace of who He is. By that Word, light became a living being. By that word, Man became Man. By that Word, Wisdom became a person. In him, life came to life. All that God is came to us in that one final Word--Jesus! He is the final Word of God. - Michael Cord (?)
*"Hath in these last days, spoken unto us." There's no more to say. There's no more to add. Jesus is God's complete, final Word.
*True Christianity is not about Jesus. True Christianity is Jesus.
*Jesus is God's Living, Breathing, Touchable Word.
*In the early church, there were two heresies (which are back, by the way):
- that Jesus is not the son of God.
- Jesus was not 100% man and 100% God (He is!)
*These heresies are reason for the books written by John. John addressed the first heresy in his epistles and the second one in the Gospel according to John.

*Coming up: 5 Attributes of Deity, and 7 Offices of Deity that only God Possesses

*1. He's The Head of All Things*
*Hebrews 1:2
*John 17:10
*Ephesianns 1:9-10
*Ephesians 1:20-22
*Matt 28:18
*Hebrews 1:2

*2. The Word Made The World*
*Hebrews 1:2
*The Word (Jesus) is given the credit as the one who directs creation.

*3. The Word is The Brightness of His Glory*
*Hebrews 1:3

*4. The Word is The Express Image of His Glory*
*John 1:14; 18
*God Became Flesh In the Word

*5. God Upholds All Things By The Word of His Power*
*Heb 1:3
*Colossians 1:17
*Scientists say there is a mysterious force that keeps the atoms together from splitting. They call it Cosmic glue. Jesus is that Cosmic Glue.
*Every time you take a breath, you're saying Jesus without knowing it. In Him you live and move and have your being. He's what is holding your skin together.
*Jesus is that Cosmic glue; that's why He could walk on water. The water was not holding him; he held the water.
*Mary did not hold the baby; the baby held her!

*6. The Word cancelled the Power of Sin and Its Effects*
*Heb 1:3

*7. The Word (Jesus) is Sat Down on The Right Hand of God*
*Jesus is Greater than the Prophets (Hebrews 1), the Angels (Hebrews 2), than Moses (Hebrews 3), than Joshua (Hebrews 4), than the Priests (Hebrews 5).

1. He must be Omnipotent
*Eph 1:20-23
2. He must be Omniscient
*Colossians 2:3
*John 2:24
*John 16:30
3. He must be Omnipresent
*Ephesians 1:23
*Matt 18:20
*Matt 28:20
*John 14:20
*John 8:58
4. He must be Eternal (no beginning, no end)
*Micah 5:2
*Heb 13:8
*Isaiah 9:6
5. He must be Unchangeable
*Colossians 2:9
*Hebrews 13:8
*Ephesians 1:10-12
*Hebrews 13:8

1. He must be Creator
*Hebrews 1:10
*John 1:3
2. He must Preserve
*Hebrews 1:3
3. He must Forgive Sins
*Mark 2:5-10
4. He must Raise The Dead
*John 6:33-34
*John 6:39-44
5. He must Transform (Our) Bodies
*Phil 3:20-21
6. He must be the Judge of all Men
*2 Tim 4:1
*John 5:22-23
7. He must bestow Life Eternal
*John 10:27-28
*John 17:1-2


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