The Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus Christ
One of the Charges for which Jesus was condemned was because He declared himself to be a King.
Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world.
When Pilate asked him if he was a king, He answered in the affirmative.
This means Jesus is the ruler of a Kingdom.
So where was his Kingdom?
Jesus had a Kingdom that was foreign to this world.
Jesus had a mission. His mission was to extend the influence and power of his Kingdom to this world
That's what he came to do.
He wanted to bring the blessings and goodness of his Kingdom to this world. That's why he came. He came to effect a change.
He came to extend the benefits of his Kingdom to humanity through Salvation.
Salvation is a word you don't hear anywhere else except in church.
What is Salvation? What does it mean?
What is it to be saved?
Salvation is to deliver, make whole(complete), and preserve.
When you are told Jesus brought Salvation, it means he brought deliverance, wholeness and Salvation. He delivered you, made you complete and preserved you.
That is why understanding the full message of Salvation is important.
You are made complete: Nothing is left out in your life. You are whole. Sound. As you are supposed to be in God's perfect will. He preserves you and keeps you in a state of completeness and stops anything or others from that completeness that he has given you.
John 20:30-31
This is one of the most amazing scriptures in the word of God. He is telling us the purpose for his writing.
Jesus is THE CHRIST.
Christ is the English translation of the Greek Christos... Which is the translation of the Hebrew Messiah.
But what does it mean?
The real meaning of Christ is "the God man".
It means God in human flesh.
In simple terms is called SON OF GOD
Jesus was God in Human flesh.
When you were born of your parents, you were born with the human life, but God brought us eternal life.
Luke 1:75-77
The first thing about salvation is the deliverance from sin. The remission of sin. The removal of sin; Sin is removed from your life.
Acts 3:25
He came to bless you by making it possible for you to turn away from your sin.
In Salvation, you receive power over sin.
Your life actually changes. There is deliverance from sin and evil by Salvation.
Luke 24:46-47
We are to take the message of Christ to all nations.
In Salvation you are delivered from the Jurisdiction of darkness. From Satan, demons and the powers of darkness. They have no right to rule over you anymore. But if you don't know, you will live a life of someone that hasn't been saved.
Colossians 1:13
We are in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Satan has no power over us anymore.
He gives us Peace with God; We are in oneness with God. You are in sync with God all the time
Jesus came to make that possible.
2 Corinthians 5:19
He is not counting your sins against you. He is bringing you into oneness.
Romans 5:1
We are acquitted by Faith and have peace with God.
You don't get any of these in any religion.
Another thing you get with Salvation; The supplanting of your Human life with the life of God. That's the biggest thing in all the world. That the God life can be transfered into human beings. And human beings can actually be imparted with the life of Godm without this, there can be no Christianity. That's the whole subject of Christianity that's why it's more than a religion.
Your human life which is weak and frail is replaced with the divine nature: Eternal life
Everlasting life is Eternal life with a beginning.
God has no begining or endand His life is indestructible. He is that eternal life.
John 1:18. This is one of the most extraordinary expressions of the Son of God.
Jesus is the one and only. The only born son
One of a kind. No two types.
Jesus rehearsed God. He came to demonstrate/practice God. He came to show us what God was like in Human form.
That life that he had is what he gives to you.
You have to be born again so that becomes like him.
This is why we preach the gospel.
You can have eternal life because it's free.
Romans 6:23
Eternal life is a gift. You don't have to suffer to get it. God gives it to you as a gift for believing in Jesus Christ.
Jesus gives you his righteousness so that you can stand in the presence of God just like he does.
Romans 5:17
You should reign in life. Not be broke or suffering in life. Righteousness is a gift. He is offering it to everybody..
Wednesday, 30 October 2024
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