Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government .
For a long time most didn't know those who were behind the removal of such programs. It was those in the pharmaceutical industry that pressured government to remove them. That was the devilish mind behind that Industry.
In most industries, there are two groups.
One group to help and serve.
The other to serve their satanic agenda.
In the old testament, when the people got sick, when they had a health problem, God didn't send them to the physicians but to the priests. Even though they were Physicians there in those days.
Physicians never get you cured. They get you out of one problem and put you in another.
Why would you put FLOURIDE in milk and toothpaste?
When you buy anything, look at the fine print. If it says FLOURIDE, don't take it. If you take it, you're programing yourself for cancer. FLOURIDE is a major ingredient in Rat poison. If it can kill rats, it can kill humans too.
They had planned an ethnic cleansing for Africa, during Covid 19. But Africa had the lowest percentage of deaths from Covid. Why? People got the right information and stayed away from their vaccines.
Now I'm warning you about FLOURIDE.
Always check the things you are buying.
How much FLOURIDE can one take before it becomes poisonous? They won't answer.
It's only a matter of time before the consumers get into trouble.
Isaiah 12:3
The wells of Salvation: These are gushers/fountains
Jeremiah 2:13, Jeremiah 17:13
The Lord calls himself "the fountain of living waters".
John 7:38-39
Each one who believes becomes a fountain of living water. The fountain of living water comes to reside in you, so out of you springs forth living water.
Psalms 42:1-11
Do you notice he is encouraging himself in the Lord. He is questioning his own spirit.
V7 sounds like what Jonah said in the belly of the fish (Jonah 2:2-8). He refused to observe lying vanities.
I refuse to observe lying vanities!
With Joy I pour forth living waters.
It's so important that we recognize God's plan who he is, what he has made us, what we should expect of him and what he expects of us. How does God want me to live? What does he want me to do?
Assumptions can't help here. What if you're wrong? If you assume the will of God, how do you know you are wrong?
That's why the scriptures are so important because at least you would have something to hold on to.
Put your faith in his word. Not what you thought
Your thinking should be on the basis of his word. That's true faith. True faith is based on God's word.
This month you're going to have an important interaction.
2 Corinthians 13:14
Communion: Koinonia: Fellowship: a sharing.
The word communion was used because of the importance of that word 'union'. Refering to a Oneness.
They are looking at the contribution (another synonym of Koinonia)
There is that which comes from me, and that which comes from the Holy Ghost.
Romans 8:26.
We win all the time. Our work with the holy Spirit makes us unbeatable. We are absolute victors. Not some times... All the times.
We have eternal life, because we are born again.
Deep calleth unto deep...
There is a kind of praying where you experience this. When you are "liquefied".
You are poured forth like a libation in the presence of God. It's all in this fellowship with the holy Spirit. You're praying and you wonder "am I the one still praying?"
Roms 8:27.
He makes intercession through you. There is such a Oneness that you have reached in the prayer that you can't tell him from you.
This month is the month of the Fountains
You're going to pour forth like a gusher. You're going to let God pour forth the words through you.
God wants to do something special through you this very month.