Facilitator: REV. CHRIS OYAKHILOME (DSc. DSc. D. D.)
You are welcome to today’s program. There’s so much for us to do today. You were to prepare for the kind of praying we are to do today, which was different from that of yesterday.
When God prepared David to face a behemoth like Goliath, he had to get him ready; not just on that day but over a period of time. Good raised and prepared David for Goliath over time. Even for those enemy countries that surrounded Israel. We didn’t arrive here by chance. We are not here by some good luck or some happenstance, we were raised for the time, the hour and the moment.
God has given us divine wisdom. You are aware that wisdom is insight into reality; and what’s reality? You will only find reality in God. Jesus said “I am reality”. Truth is reality.
This brings to mind a story I had told man times, what the lord showed me about a man who supposedly had a diagnosis of cancer, but in reality he didn’t, but because he had believed the diagnosis he would die of it. But the reality is he didn’t have it. And if I told him he didn’t have it, I’d be speaking the wisdom of God. But the man believed them.
Another story is when Paul, who was a prisoner was being taken to Rome. Paul speaking by the spirit said “don’t move from here, we are going to get into trouble; the weather is not good for us”, but some others spoke against Paul’s words. The captain heeded their words and sailed out…and they got into trouble…but the reason they didn’t loose their lives was because Paul prayed for them. He had insight into reality.
1 kings 4:29-30
These men were erudite , the world’s intelligentia, the experts; but Solomon’s wisdom was greater than all their wisdom, even the wisdom of Egypt, for he was wiser than all men. God gave it to him.
In the Greek Septuagint, it says God gave solomon “phronesis”, the wisdom of the just.
Ethan the Ezeahite, and Haman (these men wrote two psalms in the Bible: Psalms 88 and Psalms 89, respectively) so they were inspired, they were not ordinary minds they were reputed for tremendous wisdom, yet Solomon exceeded them in wisdom; and his fame was in all nations. He had insight into reality.
We are in a day in which we must walk in wisdom. God has given us phronesis, the wisdom of the just. The importance of wisdom was the theme of the month. If you have wisdom, it will give you knowledge and understanding. You will never find yourself in confusion, you will always know what to do. Looking at the world around us, you see how people have relied on the mendacious media for information, how do they do that? For instance, the war on Ukraine. The team of the chronicles of prophecy gave a clear analysis on the war. Most of the western world were taught that Russia was an enemy, even Christian evangelicals from the west believed so too. They claimed that Russia persecuted Christians, and no one talks about the other nations that persecuted Christians.
If you want to know truth, ask the Lord. By the spirit, I informed you of the polarization and the push for the war, and I told you that NATO was the aggressor.
There’s also the stance of the US (The Donald Trump Administration) in dragging Ukraine into a deal of the rear earth mineral. It’s not a ripoff of Ukraine but more like a deal for commitment. “You are a sovereign nation, and if we are going to keep protecting you, we need to have something in return, because US had given them a lot in terms of financial support and weaponry; So when we have a stake in the deal, then we can bring Russia to the negotiating table”.
So, Donald Trump wasn’t cheating Ukraine.
The approach of the other countries to Ukrainian politics is like the way Satan destroys the entire life of men, leaving them with nothing.
So you don’t rely on one source for information. Just like the stories on the nefarious activities of the USAID in Africa. They are responsible for bringing down governments that don’t support their course; and are also sponsoring terrorism.
They have military bases in some countries; and where they don’t have military bases, they have research facilities. They steal your resources, and exploit you. They destroy your economy, devalue your currencies, and corrupt your politicians. They hate politicians that love their country, they plan the demise of nationalism. *If you send them out of your country, your country would become richer. And if you work for these organizations, you need to know what you’re getting involved with. They pay you money in dollars, and then destroy your future and that of your children. So have the guts to kick against them, and resign from there.*
(A video documentary of Jonathan Sarx and Scott Ritter over the matter of Ukraine and the US Hegemony. The US government agenda to strategically destroy and impoverish Russia. )
These two men that spoke aren’t just men who don’t know what they saying, one is a UN weapons inspector and the other was an envoy.
Now what is happening here isn’t a National interest, it’s an individual interest. Some groups in the US using state power to perpetuate their evil agenda.
Strangely, there were plans to bring about Covid earlier than 2020, they were hoping that it would commence around 2016, but it was stalled when Trump beat Hilary Clinton in the 2016 elections, and so it was shifted to 2020. And they didn’t even know that God was preparing his church first. Now the church is a no nonsense church. God needed four years to ensure that the church was awake. The schemes and strategies used to weaken the church back then, can’t work on us now.
1 John 3:8
For this purpose the son of God was made manifest, now the purpose wasn’t referring to the above statement. There was a slight disruption here on what the actual purpose of this son of God is, but you will find this purpose and how it is going to be achieved in Acts 10:38
Psalms 110:1-2
Rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.
1 Corinthians 15:25
He must reign TILL (not when) he has put all enemies under his feet. How is he doing this?
Romans 5:17
He is doing this reigning through the new creatures. We have been made the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and we are going to reign in this life, not in heaven. There are no demons in heaven. We reign on earth. And the scriptures didn’t say we will live in heaven forever. We are going to be there for a period that seems on earth, seven years. We will have activities in heaven, and then we will come back with the Lord! How come we are going to come with Lord, because we were raptured before the second coming. The Antichrist will be in full operations, promising the world peace and later on turns against everything he had told the nations. The book of revelation talks about the atrocities that will happen. The evil of the hour will be too devastating. Don’t plan to be here.
We are the hands and limbs of Christ. He is made manifest to the nations and the world through us. We are preaching fully the gospel to all the nations. He reigns through us. The saints are working, the angels are working, the Holy Spirit is at work, and because the Lord is with us, we will not be defeated. We are the most victorious.
We are going to speak words of power and rulership, that the evil powers that desire to rule the nations will not hold sway. Our words is what will stand. We will be free to preach the gospel, and we will not be hindered. Declare that we cut off organizations and forces that seek to destroy the nations of the world, and their leaders. Their plans and their agenda are under suspension; and throughout this church age, they will not be able to carry out their wicked agenda.
The Bible tells us about Enoch and how he walked with God and was not for God took him, and before he was translated he pleased God, and he was taken alive to heaven.
Elijah also was taken to heaven with a chariot of fire. The beautiful thing about Elijah’s translation was that the sons of the prophet knew. So Enoch knew, the sons of the prophet knew, and Elijah knew he was going to be taken away. Enoch lived Victoriously; Elijah knew he had done the job and was ready, which was a victorious sign. The church isn’t going to leave this world, seeking an escape route. Don’t think the future of the church will be one that is bleak, No! The church for the rapture, is a victorious church. Enoch and Elijah were victorious, so to be caught away from here you have to be victorious.Don’t think we are going to be subdued. We are already ruling and subduing. This church of Jesus will never go underground, it’s from glory to glory, and the manifestations of the powers of the kingdom.
Remember this, as you think about the church.
The word of God works. We are the manifestation of the word of God; the manifestation of the truth, just as Jesus is. So our daily lives is the revelation of what the word has spoken about us. Study the scriptures it tells you everything about us. We are winning by the word, and by the power of the Holy Ghost.
*And these words spake Pastor Chris:*
“The name of the Lord is on every nation, and stamped on every creation. You sent us with the message of salvation, hope, faith and love, a message of truth, to give life to those that sit in the shadows of death, to save them. We proclaim your truth to the ends of the earth. You told us that you are with us always to the end of the age, so no weapons fashioned against us prospers. We are your limbs, and your legal representatives. We declare your words to the ends of the earth. All nations are subject to your name, and your name is spoken of in every language and community of the worlds of men. We attended by angels and those with us are more than all our adversaries everywhere. We are anointed by the Holy Ghost, the son of wicked shall not afflict us. They can’t.
Thank you Lord! All the nations bow to you, and rejoice in your salvation.
You founded and anointed David with your holy oil, the same that was poured on Aaron, that ran down his garment from his beard. That is how you anointed the church with the Holy Ghost and with power. you have established and strengthened the church. You will beat the foes of the church, and plague those that hate your people. Your faithfulness is with us. Our horn is exalted in your name. Our authority extended to the ends of the earth.
You don’t tolerate fools in your presence, and that’s why *the WEF will be as though they had never been*.
Your greatness is beyond description, your name is exalted Oh Lord! How great you are oh Lord! Thank you Lord! “
The Loveworld Singers: As the Morning Dew
Announcement of the Loveworld Specials and the healing streams live healing services