Thursday, 27 February 2025

Global Day of Fasting and Prayer Day 2, Date: February 26th, 2025

Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome DSc. D.D

The importance of fasting , and its spiritual relevance ( A Brief Q&A session between Rev. Chris and his on-stage audience)

These are spiritual principles in God’s Word. The natural things of life helps to explain the spiritual things. In magnetism, there are items that have strong magnetic properties and those objects to be induced, which are the weaker properties . When you fast,  you are aligning yourself to “seek the Lord”,  (which is a term used in the Old Testament to refer to fasting) his will and purpose. 

Once you have decided to fast, that is the first step, and then when you are fasting…(Fasting helps you align with the perfect position of God’s will, and this causes you to hear God’s perfect will.)
In the scriptures, a language used by James is “drawing nigh”, this is like a magnetic principle. You are pulled towards God; not that you are far from the Lord, but it talks about a sort of bringing something into a strong magnetic force field. In this field the power of the Holy Spirit is released, and you get super charged just as it would during a magnetic induction of a powerful magnet and a less magnetic material. 

Your faith becomes sharp because your spirit is in sync with the spirit’s will at that moment. The Bible says if the iron is blunt you must apply more force; but when it’s sharp you can cut it once, instead of several blows. 
Praying and fasting sharpens your faith, and the Lord said that this doesn’t go except by prayer and fasting. Fasting doesn’t change God; it’s just something makes our faith more productive.

Jesus said when he was present, that the disciples don’t have to fast, but when he leaves, they will. God expects us to maintain a spiritual level and balance. Praying and fasting helps you maintain this balance. It’s a spiritual maintenance scheme. We live in a world with so much fear, and unbelief. And they sometimes weigh on your spirit…so you need to study the word, and pray. Sometimes the Holy Spirit can minister to us to fast and pray.

Philippians 4:6,9 
The word of God cultures us by teaching us about others who had gone on before us. And to carry out the same ministry in the same kingdom, we will have to fast. 

Acts 1:1-4
All that Jesus began to do and to teach. Jesus did and taught, until he was taken into heaven 

Hebrews 2:3
This are things he started, passed it on to the apostles and through the same spirit, it has been given to us. The Bible doesn’t teach speculations. The apostles had to rely on the writings of the prophets. Jesus quoted the law and the prophets. We have more benefits because we have a compilation of all the scriptures.

Philippians 4:6 (NIV)
Don’t get perturbed about anything. No matter how life turns out, make up your mind not to be moved, but by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. A lot of people whine about their problems, instead of making request to the Lord. Some have said they don’t like asking, then those people most like will suffer.  Jesus said ask, and if you don’t get your answer, seek, and if that doesn’t work out, knock. So be persistent.

James 4:1-2
There’s so much chaos with fightings and hatred amongst Christians because they don’t ask. So
When are you ask correctly, you will receive. But most folks ask amiss so as to consume it on their lusts (James 4:3)

Jesus said (Matthew 7:7-8) ask and you will receive, seek and you find, knock and it will be open. Make your life easier by asking. Some people have asked and done all things, and it won’t come until a much later date. There are some who don’t ask but they receive, because years ago this was done for them by either their moms or dads or even grandparents. So they come in reap the benefits.

John 16:24
Whenever you have a request, ask. Don’t get tired of asking and receive, so that your joy, gladness and delight would be full and complete. He always wants to hear your testimonies.

This first segment of the prayers, would be for you to ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you. Ask what you will, what is in your heart and it shall be done. Go ahead and pray right now. 

We will move higher in our prayers. In John 15:1-7

Vs 5, we are from the same stock and have the same life.
Vs 7: Ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. The word used for “done” is lifted from the “ginomai” which has a wide range of meanings. You have assembled, fabricated or come into existence. The “ask” referred to here doesn’t mean to plead but it gives this note of making a request…so when you make a request it is fabricated or come into existence for you.

If you have words for it, it means it exists in its expanded form, and then when you request it becomes assembled into a material form. 

Being cut off or cut out from him, you can’t do anything. Jesus didn’t say if I am not with you, you can’t do anything. So he’s talking about you being in him…hence, if any man abides in me. So being a new creature qualifies you to ask and you will have it come into existence. The one who doesn’t abide in him is cast off and will wither away. 

Ephesians 6:18-20 (KJV, Douay-Rheims)
Here he said we should pray for all Christians: God’s saints all around the world, that utterance may be given them, and they will open their mouth with confidence. We are concluding the preaching of the gospel this year, and we are praying for them so that they preach to everyone and everywhere. Everybody needs to hear this gospel irrespective of their place or strata of religion or life. Don’t miss the opportunity to lead and men into salvation. That whether they’re on the train, on the plane, in the car, in their office space, the market or the mall…the boldness and utterance to preach the only message of salvation (Acts 4:12). That God’s Children will not be quiet. You don’t need select who to preach to, preach to everyone. Everyone is your target until he said don’t speak. Paul and his companions went preaching everywhere, except the places or circumstances where he doesn’t want you to do. Be instant in season (2 Timothy 4:2) Preach the word. 

Ephesians 6:18 (Douay-Rheims)
Praying at all times in the spirit. Some have believed praying in the spirit is being mute . In prayer you don’t just think in ypu heart, you spoke. This is what the Bible teaches. The prophets and patriarchs of old spoke out their prayers. In the New Testament section of the Bible, the Lord Jesus and Apostles prayed and they were heard. You have to use your mouth, and not be quiet. 
When you praying in an unknown tongues, you’re praying in the spirit. Praying in the spirit is praying in tongues. If you say I don’t know what I’m saying in tongues, then you pray for the gift of interpretation, and this functions solely in the spirit, and it’s not subject to your “switch off and on,” will. 

Psalms 110:1
David wrote this psalm about the Christ, because Jesus alluded to it when he debated the Pharisees on whose son the messiah is. The “my Lord” David was referring to is the messiah, who is the Lord Jesus. The faith said to the son “sit down at my right hand….” Jesus isn’t coming back until all his enemies are made his foot stool. He’s in heaven and ruling over his enemies in the earth, and he does this ruling through the church, who were born and live in the city called Zion. We are ruling in the midst of his enemies, and we have broken them, they can’t control the nations while we are here. The WEF and all their allies, we have broken them. 
They said Jesus is fake news. They claimed they are the gods that there is no God. So we have been whipping them and keeping them subdued. So tomorrow’s prayers we are taking actions from our point of rulership. 

Psalms 23:1-6
Vs 5 of Psalms is in line with Psalms 110:2 rule thou in the midst of your enemies.

God said I will wipe out the remembrance of Amalek . Tomorrow we will talk about the future of the WEF.

Psalm 110:3-7
Look through these verses in your prayers, and declare the decrees, before we come together tomorrow. 

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