Thursday, 10 October 2024


Opening Prayers led by Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan

Documentary: War on Free Speech: Part 1


Those who are behind the politicians. The WEF, ESG companies and mind controlling companies and the ones lobbying politicians to declare war on Free speech.
You heard Hilary Clinton saying so many things against free speech, but only a few years ago, she said the opposite. 
We understand very clearly what the companies want to do. 
There is a nefarious plan to destroy a major city in which they expect, according to their plan, millions of people to die.
This is through the weaponization of Geoengineering; Especially with cloud seeding. 
Now you should understand that a lot of the weather conditions that you were familiar with historically can now be manipulated. 
They've been doing this for many years now. But these are organizations and governments who are powerful enough to do this and have avoided detection. Because they avoided detection, they have so far avoided attribution and of course retribution. The weaponization of cloud seeding has been clearly stated by those responsible for it. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real. 

(An eleven year old video play out)

What you just heard is called disinformation. 
The former CIA director made bolder claims.
(Video play out)
What they have said so far is that geo-engineering is for the good of humanity because it's done to combat the effects of climate change
 I'm thinking
.. now that they have said Overpopulation is responsible for climate change as well, doesn't that suggest that in vombating tje effects and causes of climate change, SAI And other geo engineering activities will be used to combat population growth.

(Video playout of cloud seeding in Dubai)
I want to remind you that that was man made. That was a scientifically controlled environment. The UAE government has been using cloud seeding to create rains and necessary storms for years. But this time they gave for one day, two years worth of rain with violent lightening and thunder. Imagine this coming to a major highly populated city and they get trapped. And then with the nano weapons (nano enhanced lasers)... That's going to make it really horrible. 
I mentioned to you on Sunday that with all of this, this is the weaponization of geo-engineering. What you just saw is very little compared to what could be done when it is weaponized. 

There are descriptions of this in the Bible. But the purpose of my mentioning it on Sunday was because I want us to pray for the cities. The cities are about people. These psychopaths don't see the value of human beings. They see human beings as the problem. 

Let's go into today's Subject. I gave you some background yesterday. 

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
He is talking about our life in the Kingdom. This Kingdom of God into which you are born when you receive Christs salvation. 

Hebrews 12:28 CJB, RSV, MSG
We have received an unshakeable Kingdom..
We live in it. That's where we are now. 
In Christianity, we are born into a Kingdom..
Imagine that you were born in the United Kingdom because your mother relocated to the United Kingdom. So you were born there. 
We were born into the Kingdom of God. 
When you were in the womb, you were not yet born into the UK even though your mother was there. But once she delivered you, you were born into the United Kingdom. 

When you were born again, you were born into the Kingdom of God. This is a spiritual birth. What you had with your mother was a physical birth. 

You must recognize the reality of this Kingdom. There are many Christians who because they were not taught, do not have this consciousness of the life of the kingdom. 
Just like you carry the consciousness of your citizenship regardless of where you travel to. God wants you to be more conscious of this heavenly kingdom to which you belong. If you would do this you will be amazed at the quality of life you will live.

You will discover a life that is independent of earthly circumstances. You can live above the world. That's our calling. 

Romans 14:17
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy Spirit. It is not meat and drink. 

Ephesians 5:8
You are no longer darkness. You are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. Light gives direction. Light illuminates. You've become Lambent, Luminous. 

Isaiah 32: 17-18
The work of Righteousness is peace
The effect of the righteousness is Quietness and Security/Safety forever. 
In this Kingdom, he gave you righteousness as a gift. There is power in righteousness..
V18: Israel is going to be enjoying this in the millennium, but the Christian enjoys this right now. 

Why did He have to tell us these things?
You live by his word. There is where the power and glory is. He said it so that we may boldly say it. When you digest it, when you think and talk that's what's in your life. You become the living epistle of Christ. 

2 Corinthians 4:16-
We don't consider the circumstances because we live above the things that are seen. We live in the kingdom now. We live by the things which are not perceived by the senses. 
These things which are in the spirit realm, unseen and unknown by the human senses are real to the human spirit. We have apprehended the realities of the kingdom of God and we walk in this reality if righteousness, peace and Joy in the holy ghost. 

Romans 15:13
This is one of the ways to pray for new believers. May the God of hope fill them with all joy and peace in believing. 
Some people believe but are shaken by their believing because of their circumstances. But our joy is more glorious because we look at things that are unseen. .

I wa sharing some things along these lines almost 25 years ago. 
Words are vehicles. They transport faith or fear. Love or hate. Life or death. 
Words are seeds. They produce after their kidn. They produce what they say
Words are amplifiers. They amplify thoughts. They amplify character
Words are conductors. They transmit spiritual power. 

Isa 32:18
All the promises of God in Christ are fulfilled. 
In the kingdom to which we belong, how is this scripture made real? "Father, I thank you for i dwell in peaceful habitations and quiet resting places" 

Isa 54:13
"In the name of the Lord Jesus, My children are taught of the Lord. Great is the peace of my children". 

In the world, they say a lot of horrible things about their children. That's a mistake. 

.Isa 54:14
I am established in righteousness
I am far from oppression
I shall not fear.
Terror shall not come near me

This was a promise of the kingdom, but we have the kingdom now. This is real now. So you declare it. That's the way the word becomes real. 

Psalm 37:4
I delight myself in the Lord and I have the desires of my heart. 

You are living God's word in the now. 

Revelation 12:11
If these saints during the tribulation will only overcome by the word of their testimony, what does that tell you about the word of testimony? The power of your confession and declaration. That's great power. 

Hebrews 13:5
You are not just agreeing with the word, you are saying. You've got to say it. The power is in the saying. 
Remember the principle of Salvation in Romans 10:9-10..  with the mouth, confession is made and you are catapulted into salvation. 

Rhema is the Now word. 
Hebrews 11:3
Throughout the new testament, when God speaks, it's not Rhema. It's only used when man takes the word and speaks it. 
When you read the Rhema of God it talks about the word of God spoken by a man. 

Aion: an age, era, course of life. The world with respect to its ways and appetites of its era. 

Cosmos: This is the universal earth with respect to its order, government, systems and structures. 
When you bring that verse 3 into your personal life, you will see that the world's were framed by the Rhema of God. Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy ghost. Through Prophetic words, they framed he aions of their day. They even framed the aions of the future.

God spoke through prophets and declared the aions in which we should live. We are supposed to say boldly in consonance with the Prophetic voice that he already gave to establish it. .
Khartatizo: To mend, to make perfect, to restore. 
 You can mend your Aion. You can make perfect your Aion. 
These globalists are trying to create for us the Aion of their vision, of their false prophets, of their forefather who planned their future (Albert Pike)
The free masons have a vision of a one world government and it's an evil totalitarian government. 
Jesus also has a vision of a one world government. But our government informed us of the order of things and gave us instructions to occupy till he comes. He told us exactly what to do. And from when he established this kingdom, till he returns, he tells us of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end. 
So, the free masons and their brother organizations live in our world. Jesus bought it with a price. The price of his blood. He bought it and gave us a Kingdom and established us in his name. And gave us his name to live by. And he told us "whatever is born of God Overcomes the world."
We have to do what he told us to do to ensure his peace that he's given us. 
We r not supposed to let them control this world. No!

Proverbs 16:27-30
The WEF are just like this. See what they did to Ukraine and Russia. They've dragged a long NATO countries and brought them to a way that's not good. 
He devises forward things. They meditate on evil. 
But the meditation of the righteous brings peace. Glory to God!!

Proverbs 3:5-6
Lean not unto your own understanding. That's a warning. Life is spiritual. Life is not science or technology. Science and technology is good for life but life is not science. 
Spiritual men control this world. 
Don't stay on the side of being controlled. Be at the wheel. Be in control. You're the kings kid. You are royalty. Run your world.

Revelation 1:4-6
He made us Kings and Priests. What are you going to do with that?
1 Peter 2:9
You are a choice class. A select breed. You're royalty. 
Romans 5:17
You reign/king in this life by Jesus Christ. 

This is the only time you reign BY/THROUGH Jesus Christ. You're not going to do that in the millennium, or the new earth or new heaven. The only time you do it is in the church age. 
After this time you reign WITH Christ. 

You are Royalty. Rule your world!

Psalm 138:8
The Lord perfects that which concerns me. 

Jesus said "I am with you always till the end of the age". 
Philippians 4:6 NIV
I refuse to be anxious
Spiritual men see this verse like Moses saw. 
When he gave the law to the children of Israel, they saw laws. But that's not the way Moses saw them. There are 2 things that describe what Moses saw.

He saw the law as the expression of the righteousness of God
He saw the law as life. 
He didnt see it as commandments. It was the expression of God's righteousness. That's what he saw. 

A spiritual man doesn't see this verse as though God is instructing him not to be anxious. He sees the picture from God's perspective. He sees the purpose for the statement. What God created you to be in one that should not be anxious. You can grown above your world and dominate this environment. If you do, you will not be anxious. 

The word is telling you that you're not supposed to have anxiety about anything. 
But in everything, make your requests in prayer. 
Phil 4:7
I am unperturbed. Unmoved. I'm not anxious about anything. I rule my world. I am divine royalty. 



(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...