Friday, 11 October 2024


Opening Prayers led by Highly Esteemed Pastor Emeka Ezeh

Documentary: Climate Terrorism

Welcome to today's program. I hope that you were able to follow the documentary. 
Watch the rebroadcast. There are details you would want to pay attention to. (Especially the different types of fires).

God's word is so important. It pays to give your heart to it. It will bless you if you pay attention to it. Receive the word even if you. Don't understand it. Don't multitask when listening to the word. Give it full attention and it will bless you. Even reading the scriptures carries special blessings. 
Listening to it carries special blessings too. 
Learn to pay attention to the word especially in an atmosphere like this. In Your home, your car...give it adequate attention so that you receive the best. 

1 Corinthians 2:14.
The natural man is the man that isn't born again. The ordinary guy. He doesn't receive the things of the spirit of God..The things of God are spiritually discerned so these things sound foolish to him..he can't understand spiritual things. He could be an Erudite man, or great professor. It doesn't matter as long as he hasn't received the second birth in Christ Jesus, he is just natural. 
It's a terrible thing. This is not religion. 
Jesus is not about religion. 
Even many Christians don't know Christianity isn't religion. But if you're ignorant, you are ignorant. If you don't know what the Bible says about christianity you will think it's a religion because there are aspects of religion in Christianity. Eg. Prayer. 
(E.g. to be a student of a school you must be registered first. You are not a student of the school if you just attend classes like others)

Deuteronomy 4:8, 6:25. 32:47
Moses saw the righteousness of God. He saw the law as life. It moved his heart. He didn't see he law as instructions. The law amazed him. He treasured it.
Can you treasure the word of God like this?

Romans 8:3-4.
Moses talked about the righteousness of this law. The Bible says that righteousness and glory of that Law that Moses saw, is fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. 

Romans 14:17
The kingdom of God is peace and Joy in the holy ghost. Because we are children and ambassadors of the Kingdom, we extend his righteousness, Joy and peace to the nations of the world. When you arrive, righteousness, peace and Joy has come..
Can you have this consciousness? You've got to have it. 
You have to know who you are in Christ Jesus. 
Christianity is far beyond religion.

What is Sin? What is Salvation? What is eternal life? What is the gospel?
Your life is the sum total of all the thoughts and words that have come through you.

To understand what sin is, you must first understand the nature of God and righteousness. .God is holy and absolutely righteous. .righteousness is that nature of God that distinguishes him to be holy, just and good. He reveals his righteousness to man through his words and acts of love.
Sin is any act or deliberate thought which Contravenes his righteous acts as revealed. 

Good or evil or right and wrong are Judged by the very nature of God. You can't leave the judgement of right and wrong to society because that constantly changes. 
E.g. the lgbtq people know their lifestyle is wrong but they try to weaken the voice of their conscience. 

To express righteousness and goodness, God reveals his nature and will to man. Therefore, righteousness is the expression of the will and nature of the Father. This definition is very profound because it encapsulates all the other definitions of righteousness. Our righteousness therefore is our expression of the will and nature of the Father. 
The word EXPRESS here means to show, manifest, demonstrate. Hence He was declared as the expression image of the Father. He gave expression to the will and nature of the Father. God's plan and purpose for us is to give expression to the will and nature of the Father. This is true righteousness. 

What life you would love, if you lived everyday expressing the will and nature of the Father!!
The word of God is your life. The word of God is your righteousness.
That brings you into alignment with everything about him
How can you go to hell with that? It's impossible! You would light up Hell living that life. 
The nature of the Father is love. 
Demons would be afraid of you if you discover your purpose. 
Now we can talk like Jesus. He said as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. If we do what he told us to do, we cannot coexist with the antichrist running things. 
We won't let him.
As long as we are here, we are the light of the world.
Jesus gave us instructions. He said let your light SO SHINE that men may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Until they are glorifying God because of you... Make an impact. Let this world know you came. 
Some people are born with a lot of Jubilation. That's nice, but it doesn't matter how you came. You may have been born silently. But now that you are here, let your light so shine. 
Good works are the Acts of God according to the Bible....Including the supernatural and miraculous. An act of kindness, an intervention in someone's life. .. let God work through you. Become his voice and his hands. 
What a life he's brought us into!
Do you realize this is our era; Our endless era. 

There is a description in the scriptures of the church age. It's sad that you don't find it in most of the English translations. But if you read it in the Greek, that's what it says.

Ephesians 3:14-
V15: it's one family. And this Family is in heaven and earth
 This chapter is the climactic portion of the Pauline revelation. This is a prayer of the spirit and therefore the will of the Father. 
V16: The riches of his glory..How much is this? Why does God have to strengthen you inside? Because of what's on the outside. 
Here, he is not talking about being empowered but about being strengthened. 
(Luke 1:80- John the Baptist was strong in spirit. It was the insight of God, not man. Because of the life he was going to live and the forces he would encounter, he needed to be made strong in his spirit. This is a man that was filled with the holy ghost from his mother's womb. Of all men born of a woman, no one was greater than John the Baptist.  So, how Great is Jesus. John knew something about him. How did John know? By the Holy Ghost!)
V16: You are gloriously strengthened of God. 
When Jesus prayed at the moint of Transfiguration, the glory from the inside radiated on the outside. He was glowing. It didn't happen everyday on the outside but it happened daily on his inside. When it happens with us, others don't see it. This glory is inside you. Every time you pray in tongues for long... 
There is the speaking of the lips ...because e the language is already on your lips. You can say words which you don't mean on the inside. The utterance is already given to you by the spirit. But your spirit is not being stirred or charged because you are not giving attention to it. But No! It can be deeper than that. It can be more real than that . 
First, by being reverent when you speak in tongues. 
Secondly yield yourself. The currents of power that you will feel from your spirit to your physical body will almost be instant. 
If you do this frequently, you will always be healthy. 

V17- He is talking biology and construction at the same time. That you be rooted like a plant and grounded like a building . V

V18: This is a deep understanding that makes that matter/message yours. It becomes the gospel according to you. You have captured it and received it. It is a revelation that is now yours. You know the dimensions of love. 

V19: to know the knowledge of Christ beyond scientific or mental knowledge. 

This is Paul's prayer. He wants this to be your current experience of God. Not in. heaven but now. This is real Christianity. 
He talks about two different kinds of knowledge here
 Ginosko is not a knowledge of the senses. It is a knowledge by impartation. It's revelation knowledge. To know the love of Christ wilhich surpasses knowledge by erudition. 
It's beyond reasoning. 
He wants you to know that love that you cannot unravel by mere thinking.

Jesus was filled with all the fullness of God. He made us the temple of the holy ghost. To be filled. The holy ghost is the fullness of God brought to you. 
This is Christianity. The fullness of God at work in you. 

V20: God is able to do exceeding abundantly FAR ABOVE all that you ask or thinkm your mind is not big enough to grasp all that God can do. The Lord out the power inside us. 

If man can produce self replicating smart nano robots; think about what God can do.
You have Dunamis inside you. That's power that reproduces itself. It doesn't need any extra help
 Once it's started, that's it. It is inherent power. It never stops. But you can increase the Capacity that moves through you. 

If fear ever attacks you, frighten the devil out. Speak loudly. Release powerful tongues with boldness. There is a time to shout. Jesus shouted at the grave of Lazarus. There is a time for everything. 

Remember the Lord gave us his name. If you have respect for that name, the whole spirit world will respect you. Cultivate a respect for the name of Jesus. Understand it, and respect  that name. 

He is able to do exceeding abundantly above. 

V21: there is an interesting construction in the Greek. 
All generations of the end of the ages. 
He is talking about all the generations thought the church age.  The ages is an endless era. It's an age of the ages. .the church age is the foundation of all ages going forward. 
All of God's plans were put in Christ. Everything that God has planned to be done is founded on Christ; the foundation of the church. The church is the beginning of his endless era.
Don't play with this age.
Your blessings, glory and greatness cannot end. 
We will never be overwhelmed by evil.
Greater is he that is in us that he that is in the world 
We have to have this mentality. 

1 Tim 1:18 KJV, CJB,  1 Tim 6:12
You're going to use prophecies to fight a good warfare. Fight the good fight of Faith. 
(Example of Israel's fight with the Philistines.. David)
1 Sam 17:26,36
David knew there was an unseen army of God whom Goliath was defying.
He realized that you don't defeat God's army. 
They will never overwhelm or dominate us. 

Judges 5:20
God's people fought from heaven. There were two armies.
2Chronicles 14:8-13
Asa had a physical 580 man army. 
The Ethopian enemy had a 1.3m army. Almost twice what King Asa had. 
Asa was saying... "Lord, this is your army"
Asa was basing his prayer and action on his knowledge of God's word given by Moses and the prophets. 
The Lord came to the Battle with his host. 

Joshua 10:42, 14:12
Joshua killed 31 Kings. 
Caleb used the prophecy of Moses. "The Lord said it, so I take Hebron regardless of how many Giants are there"

We have to have this consciousness.

Psalm 104:24
The earth is full of God's riches. The poverty you see in Africa, Asia etc. is not from God. 
Psalm 33:5
No Christian should be getting the short end of the stick. The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. .
Goodness means Covenant Kindness/loving kindness. 
God's mercies are there all the time. 
Take advantage of what he's given you and you will drive the Giants out. 

Psalm 118:10-12
When you cut them off, they will lose control of the nations and the nations will be free again. 
We are the hope of the world. We are the hope of the nations. .we are the light of the world. .we are in this world until the sound of the trumpet. We will go briefly and after 7 times, we will back to reign with the Lord. 
No they will never overwhelm us. 



(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...