Saturday, 15 February 2025


Video recap of yesterday 

The result of their lives is Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever.

How can we be quiet when we can change a man from poverty with our message, when we can change a man's destiny, how can we be quiet?

Eph 3.16-19 this is the message, I'm full of God.
If you want to see consistency in your life, then what you must do consistently is speak in tongues. 

Live Recap
Pst Ikenne Chiemeka
Came in highly expectant. There has been a consistency in God's faithfulness towards his Church Heb. 7-8
Pastor said the real Church cannot be stagnant, the real Church cannot be static and the real Church must spread.

When we have the Holy Spirit our smallest efforts will be rewarded with tremendous results. 

Plan your prayer. Ecc 5.2 says to summarise our prayers. 

Pst Osagie Osagie
Preaching the word with power 

((( I'm unto something. Continue in your meditations. I'm full of God )))
Create the circumstances of your life. Make things happen and don't wait for things to happen. 

Be the happening guys

Video recap Day 1
The gospel first 
A blazing inferno fire of Christ lit up inside you and spreading everywhere you go and project. 1 Sam 10.6

There is a spiritual radiation taking place by the Holy Ghost. He has filled the whole place. 

Live Recap 
Pst Femi Olumurewa
There are life altering and destiny reseting meetings and this is one of them.
Jer 23.29 God can change your hammer to a big one that only needs one hit. 

Pst Toni Martins
1 Chr 12.32 understanding of the times and what Loveworld ought to do. 
The full preaching of the gospel also refers to the intensity of the witness. Preaching the word with power. 

The blow dealt to the deep state and anti christ forces is such that even qhen we are gone they would need time to gather themselves. Glory! Completely suspended

Affirmation video recap
I'm full of God. I know who I am. We're shaking the world. I'm always winning. I only win. I'm loaded with potentials going somewhere to happen. I'm the manifestation of wisdom. When I speak in tongues I have insight into reality. No law against me, I'm above the law. I'm manifesting. 

Exhortation and prayer
Pst Archie Aseme - regional pastor Nig Northern Region 2

You will leave here with anything you say you will leave here with. There is an expansion of grace.

Benefits of incessant prayer for the nations
Psalm 122.6-9
Psalm 7.9, Prov 11.11

Exhortation and prayer 2
Pst Deola Phillips 
Overcoming challenges in the preaching of the gospel
For the word of the year to be fulfilled, it means we will overcome all barriers and challenges to preaching the gospel.
Mat 16.18, 2 Cor 10.3-4
Acts 19 from the ministry of the Holy Spirit, to demonstration of healings. The Spirit, the word and the name. 
V20 we don't recognise challenges

Pastor Joy
Our role as gospel activists

You shall be changed, you shall be turned into another man. We are not of this world and now is the time the world has been waiting for where the sons of God are manifest. People will say you are different 

When you have results everything else keeps quiet. 

You can't be a Christian and you're not preaching: you've not know Christianity.

From tonight you're not seeing people as men but as God sees them. 

2. If you'll be filled with the Spirit you'll speak with boldness. 
3. The Lord is coming 2 Pet 3.10

Col 4.3 praying for a door of utterance

Man of God Pastor Chris 

Let's look at some stories from the bible

Number 1
2 Chr 13.4-20
Abijah believes in God. He is the great grandson of David. He warns them they will not prosper because they were fighting against the Lord

Number 2
Lev 6.12-13 the terbanacle was designed for us to understand God's work.
You had the outer court, first sanctuary and inner sanctuary. The alter for the burnt offerings was outside. Then for incense was in the first sanctuary. 
Then you have God telling you, the incense, the candlestick and the fire on the alter must never go out. 

Do you realise God set up a fire inside your heart through his word and this is very important.
Mat 3.11 what does he mean with fire?
Lam 1.13- a spirit of conviction, a spirit of judgement.
Isaiah 4.4- NIV 
V5 the canopy is for defense. 
First there will be a spirit of judgement and a spirit of fire, then also in Zion everyone has a place and over each one will be a cloud of glory. Each one will carry his atmosphere and each one will be glorified. 
What Jeremiah experienced is what John the baptist said we will have inside us through the Holy Ghost.
More detail in Malachi 3.2-5 

So fire there is a spirit of conviction, a spirit of judgement that separates the chaff from the wheat as it were. 
Mat 3.12

This fire came into you when you received the Holy Ghost. This fire urges you
Job 32.18-19 NIV have you felt compelled by the Spirit within you?

Jer 20.9 a burning fire, he couldn't hold back. There's a way we listen to God and encourage the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fan the embers into flames... encourage the ministry 

Jer 23.28-32 isn't my word like a fire 🔥 
There are people/prophets that steal words. 

Lk 24.32-
Their hearts burned when Jesus talked with them and opened to them the scriptures. If you don't receive the word like fire how can you transmit it like fire, fire begets fire.

Jer 5.14- when you receive the word you mix it with faith, a chemical reaction. 

Psalm 39.3 NIV before you speak,  meditate and let the fire burn. 

Fire that brings conviction when they hear it.

Lam 1.13
Sometimes when you're interceding for someone, it is like you're the one in that situation. 

Until you experience that first, you may not be able to pull a lot of souls. 
Mediation on God's word helps that fire. Psalm 39.3

Psalm 63.1-2
Be hungry to see God’s power and his glory in your place. Give them a hunger for God - pray like this. 

When you move into a venue like that(from growing past your previous), by your second service the place is full.

We have been given a license to grow, "son, keep growing". 

One secret to learn, once you're part of the ministry, you inherit it. You don't need to pray for it, you just walk in it and act on it. You are to now establish it wherever you go. 

World view. That is how I view the world, that's the only way I understand the world and that is the way you should view the world. Don't think any other way. It is the work of the world, the word can fashion you. 

Don't learn the language of the world, don't talk like them. You'll never be disadvantaged. Whichever way I win. 

Phi 1.6, 2.13

Judges 6.14
What you have already is enough. What you have is what you need. Make up your mind that you're setting up God's headquarters when you go back. And call forth in the name of Jesus that from the north, east, west and south they are coming to you. I'm a burning and shining light. If you'll burn the people will come and see you. 

It's a fresh start at a higher level. It is not the way you used to do it before. By my Spirit saith the Lord and by the wisdom of God. 

Some of you will need to change venues. The Spirit will let you know

Heb 4.12 + AMPC
Heb 4.12-16, Jm 4.6-8 he is appealing to the minds of the baby Christian who is still struggling with his faith. James was writing to baby Christians. In fact he called them sinners, double minded. 
Heb 4.16
Same with hebrew, he starts of with the babies and takes them unto more spiritual things. 

When you want to accomplish something bigger in your life, what you need is more grace. 

2 Tim 1.5-
V6 the gift that was transferred to Timothy had not manifested. 
The work of God must be done with supernatural power, that is the only way. 
What gift are you expecting to see in operation? Use your faith to stir it up. 

I have all the power I need to pull souls. I'm a soul magnet. I'm pulling them. They are coming to me in large numbers. I'm full of the love of God. 

Heb 4 16-17
Act boldly

Put that soul winning power to work.

Apart from such infirmities caused by demons that can afflict a Christian... This can be prevented by knowing the word of God. It begins through some level of ignorance. Praying in the spirit and studying the word.


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...