Sunday, 9 February 2025

Your Loveworld Specials with Pastor Chris. Grand Finale of Season 11 Phase 2 Day 3, Feb 7, 2025

Opening Prayer led by Highly esteemed Most Reverend Tom Amenkhienan

Documentary: The Evil trinity (Part 2)


Welcome to todays program and I hope you followed the documentary carefully, and you saw the work of the evil trinity: the WEF, the WHO, and the rogue UN  as it is under Antonio gueteres ( they side stepped the founding ideals of the founding fathers). Working with the WHO, which was established for the purpose of population control and has nothing to do with health, according to their founding documents. The term “population control “is a euphemism for mass murder. They have a genocidal mentality and are they’re, worst of all, eugenicist. They have no plans for health. 

The leftists and satanists always like to pick the beautiful names like Liberals and progressives. Just like the WHO which has nothing to do with health; it’s a killing machine. The current DG isn’t even a medical doctor. He was one of the leaders of a terrorist group in Ethiopia.

Then the transhumanist, Klaus Schwabs of the WEF; deadly men leading a deadly organizations.
 But their agenda is under suspension and there’s nothing they can do about it. Since the WEF declared they don’t recognize God, by their advisor Noah Harari, who is from Israel that but isn’t of Isreal.  (Even those who crucified Jesus  believed in God, even though they were ignorant). You are not a Jew if you don’t believe in God. WHO says there’s no God, and anyone who says there is no God is a fool. 
So when leaders go to DAVOS to hear them, you’re listening to fools. And the Bible says he that walks with the wise is wise.  
SoKnowing this, imagine what he thinks about walking with fools. So no more DAVOS trips., even countries where they believe in God shouldn’t approve their leaders going. Tell your governors and leaders to stop using taxpayers monies to go there anymore. 

They should’ve left the church alone, and we won’t have said anything to them, or may have not known their activities. But they wouldn’t, and now the Lord has sent us to destroy all their altars and not one of them will remain.

The first day we talked about prayer, and what praying in the spirit would do for you; Yesterday, we talked about the rapture of the church. There’s a lot to say here, because a lot of people don’t understand the language of the Bible, or the words of Jesus Christ. like the rapture and the second coming. 
Similarly, the two have a semblance because the Lord will come, howbeit,  in the rapture he stops in the air and we will go to meet him, the second advent is when he comes to the earth. The first time, he came through birth, he was born in Bethlehem and grew up in this world, he was crucified; he died and buried. He descended to hell, third day he rose from the grave, and after 40days and nights teaching his disciples concerning things kingdom of God, he ascended and now he is seated at the right hand of God; and from thence, the Bible says, he shall come to judge the living and the dead. His coming from heaven to the earth is called the second. 
The rapture is before this, and will take place about 7 years before the second coming. Immediately after the rapture of the church, the world will be a terrible place to live. 

First, the Bible tells us, Satan would be given a chance to run this world through the Antichrist. He will empower him (the Antichrist) who will do a lot of evil through out the world, and their evil will attract the judgements of God. The world is evil, the people suffer from the evil that has been done. They won’t repent. And anyone who won’t follow him would be killed. A lot of people will be killed, and there’s no other way to go apart from that. 

Matthew 24:14
The gospel will be a witness to all nations. The word nations means ethnos which means people, race or group that have something that brings together, it could be professional. It also means “tribal nations”: doctors, lawyers. So the penetrating these tribal nations with the gospel. The students, the academia, the technocrats, even the politicians. You become God’s representative to your world. Every one belongs to a nations, so you take the gospel to your world. The Lord Jesus gave us a strategy for evangelism, and this year we will do it. We have seen how possible and easy to do this, and we have come to know that we have been raised for this purpose.

Matthew 24:15-20
This is referring the time of Jacob’s trouble when the Antichrist moves his headquarters from Europe to Jerusalem. And he moves into the temple. This will be halfway into the tribulation periods. The saints are gone at this time. 
When the Antichrist moves into the temple, then Jesus warns that they should flee because it will be a massacre, a bloodbath. 

Matthew 24:21
Jesus said that the evil things that was done since the beginning of the cosmos can’t be compared with the great tribulations.

Matthew 24:22
It had to be shortened because of the Jewish people if not, there won’t be a soul left.  

Jesus was referencing all that Daniel prophesied in his vision of the 70th week. The savior comes in the 69th week and is crucified within that timeline, and he says it is finished. The veil is torn and the Levitical priesthood was abrogated: the law is done, the priesthood end. The son of God dies, the Jewish calendar ends. 
The church age begins within the 69th week and the 70th week, which is 2000 years. And we are in the ending part of all these period. If we were in the year 1120, just by looking at the scripture. Anyone assuming the rapture would have happened at that time would have been wrong. The scripture helps us understand why the rapture couldn’t have happened 100 years ago. 

For those doubting, have you ever heard anyone giving you the kind of information that Pastor gave, with all the figures, timelines and dates?  So don’t be quick to dismiss the information that he has provided for you. Take this informations seriously. 

Jesus said in Matthew 24:16 to flee to the mountains, he meant the mountains of Moab, which is Jordan. 
The elect (those Jews who would be saved) would be the reason that the tribulation would be shortened. 
The only way to escape the terrible things that would happen in this world is through the rapture. Luke 21:14- The rapture will come upon the world like a trap. 

There will be a first flight and those who will be caught up after the tribulation. You want to escape this things and stand before the son of man.

1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. John 3:16
Christ delivered us from the wrath to come. In Christ we have been delivered from the wrath to come. We have been decreed not to perish because we believe in Jesus.

Isaiah 26:19-21
This refers to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus  after he had died. Also talks about the dead rising first trump.

Vs 20…refers to the judgement of the Lord coming upon the earth. So he said come, my people, enter thou into my chambers, and shut the doors…hide yourself. Talking about the tribulation judgements. 

Vs 21:  is the judgement and made war
Rev 19:11-16….John 1:14. The name of the Lord is named the word of God.  Jesus is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan the piercing serpent, which is the devil’s judgement.

1 Corinthians 15:52 a change in appearance.(Alaso), not a change in nature. 
Philippians 3:20-21…our bodies will be changed! This is referring to the rapture also. 
Colossians 3:4- the rapture. 
1 Peter 5:4…Peter also speaks about the rapture and the crown that we would receive from the chief shepherd.

If you left before he appearing, you will receive your crown, not in the earth, but in glory. 
2 Timothy 4:7-8
1 John 2:28
These apostles were all thinking about his appearing.
1 John 3:2 - when he shall appear he will transform our bodies. That’s the rapture. 
Paul said it will happen suddenly and our bodies will look like his own. 

Prepare yourself, he’s coming again. 

The warning of the coming of the Lord has been on for many years now, the Lord put those words in my mouth. Whether it is a crusade, there will always be a mentioning about the Lord’s return. There was always a pressing then in my spirit to speak about it, and sometimes, they weren’t in my notes. There are time I would take up a song about his coming. Understanding the workings of the Spirit, I know I was moved by the Holy Ghost to speak those things. 

When we start praying a short while from now, you’ll talk to the Lord to help you prepare for his coming. You can’t prepare without his help. 

James 5:7-8- the coming of the Lord draws nigh…be patient. 

Hosea 6:3 
James 5;7- the early rain is the seed time rain. The latter rain is the harvest rain. So he had long patient waiting for the seed time rain, so he can sow the seed; and he waited patiently for the harvest rain, which is currently taking place all around the world. 

Hosea 6: 3 (Douay -rheims) 
Zechariah 10:1
You have to understand for prophetic, what is latter rain; and what is latter rain for the church. Right now souls are being won every where; he said I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and every one grass will be touched. This spirit pour out is the spirit of truth and it prevails in this day and hour, and the falsehood of the perpetrators cannot prevail. We move by the power of the Holy Ghost and dismantling their machinations. And then we say even so come Lord Jesus, and if we have extra time to spare. And just like Paul we will cover everywhere with the gospel. This thing we are coming with is to big. Blessed be God!

Pray in the Holy Ghost, and pray that the Lord will help you prepare your heart, your mind and your soul for his coming. He is coming soon.


(DOCUMENTARY ON FLOURIDE: THE LETHAL KILLER) Several years ago, programs that promoted divine healing had problems with government . For a l...