Sunday, 16 March 2025


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DSC DD

It's so important that you understand what Jesus came to do.

Now I want to just give you some information on Jesus: I told you yesterday about him: Jesus is deity. Today I want to just give you some verses of the Bible, prophetic words in the Bible that were fulfilled in his life.

And think about it many of these prophecies were given 500 years and more before Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

In fact, the ones that were given by David were given, a thousand years before. A thousand years ahead of time and nobody fulfilled those prophecies until Jesus.

It's impossible for one person to fulfill all those many prophecies by different prophets through hundreds of years. How could one man fulfill all those? Maybe two or three could be possible: but to fulfill so many, so many extraordinary events.

We talked yesterday about his birth.

Isaiah 7:14.
You're talking 500 years before.
Think about that, this was long before his birth.

Micah 5:2
Did you see that? He's from everlasting and he will come from Bethlehem.
Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem, Judah.
No human will be called one whose goings forth have been from everlasting.
That's not a human being, an ordinary human being. That would be God himself: he's been from everlasting.
He was there before time began, that he would be born in Bethlehem.

He would be a descendant of Abraham.
Genesis 22:17-
I want you to observe he doesn't say seeds.
Hey, the nations just got blessed with healing a moment ago, think about it.
Because Abraham obeyed God, so God said this about him.

Galatians 3:16 to see the fulfillment. Who does this concern?

He pointed it out to us that he didn't refer to seeds being many but seed, one and that that seed is Christ.

Let me show you another one that he'll be a descendant of David.
Jeremiah 23:5

He will be from David, a descendant of David.

What did the prophet before him say?
Isaiah 11:1-
Who was Jesse? Father of David. Same prophecy.
A rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
That means he will come to judge the world.

I'll tell you about that tomorrow: that's very important.

Vs 5
He's telling you this is the Christ. Glory be to God.

The Bible tells us there'll be a massacre of children in his time. The wicked will kill many children at the time of Jesus' birth.

Jeremiah 31:15
Something terrible happened at the time.
What does the Bible say?

Matthew 2 :16

You know they wanted to know where Jesus where the Messiah would be born and they were told Bethlehem according to that prophecy.
That happened according to prophecy.

Hosea 11:1
Another prophecy. He says I called my son out of Egypt. What does that mean? How did he get into Egypt?

Matthew 2:13-15

Remember when he said now take the young child and his mother and go back into the land of Israel. Praise God.

And then he tells us about how he would have a foreigner one to prepare the way before him.

Malachi 3:1
Isaiah 40:3-5

That's amazing because you find in Matthew 3, here's the fulfillment.

Verse 3
You read from verse 1 all the way you find John the Baptist fulfills this prophecy.

And then he was to come, he will be called a Nazarene, that means someone from Nazareth. That's another thing.

I want to show you something technical here.

Matthew 2:23
Did you notice it doesn't say the prophet one prophet. No he says spoken by the prophets he shall be called a Nazarene.

Why does he say by prophet by the prophets? Because no single prophet said it directly.
You'll have to put several things by several prophets together to come to the conclusion that they were referring to Nazareth.
So I'll give you some of those interesting scriptures.

John 1:46

Did you hear that? They said uh he's from Nazareth, Jesus of Nazareth. And he says can any good thing come out of Nazareth? In those days that's the way they said it.

John 7:52.
Nazareth was in Galilee.
Now let's put some of these scriptures here together.

Psalm 22:6&8
Psalm 69:11
Psalm 69:19
Isaiah 53:2-4

The Bible tells us about his betrayal by a friend.
Psalm 41:9
You remember? Where were they on that night? At the table eating a familiar friend, Judas was there.
He betrayed him.

Zechariah 11:12-
Remember how Jesus was sold by Judas? For what? 30 pieces of silver.
What was its use in purchasing? A porter's field.

A picture of the crucifixion is given vividly in Psalm 22.

Vs 1-5
Did you see that? We read that yesterday: when He was on the cross.

Vs 6
Do you remember that?
Vs 7-

And the Bible tells us how they walk their heads by the cross.

We read that yesterday. Right? The elders, the leaders, the priests. They said that about Jesus when he was on the cross.

Vs 11
Remember his disciples fled. Everybody fled, they left him.

Vs 12
He's referring to this demonic work,  by these wicked men who surrounded him.

Vs 13
When he was on that cross that's what happened to him.

Vs 14
Oh. I wish I had the time to give you the details of what we just read. Terrible.
He's describing the excruciating pain that he suffered on the cross, hanging on those nails.

The bones lose their positions. As the man's weight is hanging on the cross and those nails.

Vs 15 -16
Remember those days they called the Romans dogs because they weren't circumcised.
This is 1,000 years before it happened.
They pierced my hands and my feet. Now he's describing how they nailed him.

Vs 17-18

You remember that? They took his garments and they divided it among themselves and cast lots who will take his jacke, Hs coat.
That's there it happened, 1,000 years ahead of time: the prophecy is given here.

These are several prophecies to be fulfilled by one person? And yet that's what happened.

Vs 19-21

Vs 22 is another prophecy and Paul refers to it

Vs 23-28

This one they will see it happen. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.
They're going to see it happen soon. Hallelujah.

Vs 29-30

Now he's talking about the church. He says the seed shall serve him and it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

What's he saying? He says a seed shall serve him. Remember the Bible says he shall see his seed. He shall prolong his days.
The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, that's in Isaiah 52.

Now he says a seed shall serve him and that seed shall be accounted for a generation. Now when you count the generations before Jesus, generations from Abraham all the way, you would find he gives them to us in fourteens in three different groups. Now when it gets to the last one, you count the generations and they are 13.

Christ is the 13th generation. So how do you get, how do you know it's 14?

Here this verse says the seed shall serve him and that seed will be counted for one generation.

He's talking about Jesus and his church.
Did you know the church is called Christ? The head and the body have the same name. The Bible says Jesus is the head of the church, which is his body.
The head is called Christ, the body is called Christ. The church is one generation counted in there.
That's why they are 13.

So you count Jesus and count the church as one generation: that's 14 generations.

He says they are 14 and then he calls Christ the 13th.

So this is the prophecy the church fulfills here.

Vs 31
A people that shall be born, that's the church. He says he shall see his seed, He shall prolong his days. So his days will be prolonged through his seed, the church.
That's an amazing prophecy.

Tomorrow, I am going to talk to you about the coming of the Lord, don't take it lightly. Jesus is coming soon and I want to explain to you what is left. Why didn't he come before now, I am going to tell you tomorrow.
Why is He coming now? How close are we?
And He sent me to tell the whole world, that is why I am telling you and when He sent me, I was still much younger.

If He didn't send me, there is no way I will be able to address the whole world with it: but today I am addressing the world because He sent me; in the same way He said the Healing to the Nations.
He told me to prepare His people when as yet I knew nothing about the inheritance, He told me to make His inheritance known to his children.

I say this things to you to help you understand, you're today right in fulfillment of God's prophetic word and guidance.
What you're seeing today is a fulfillment of His prophetic word. There is no way I would be humanly fulfilling these things: not by Jesus as a man except He was from God.
Neither would I fulfill the things I told you about by myself, it's impossible.

Call to Salvation.


Rev Chris Oyakhilome DSC DSC DD It's so important that you understand what Jesus came to do. Now I want to just give you some informatio...